Elsa Clench

Instant karma. Don’t fuck with someone smarter and bigger and you get to stay alive.

Let’s fucking go, Dems. We only have a few months to create a Star! and debate whether we think it’s appropriate to have an old, white sniffer on the ticket. Keep in mind, this person is being nominated for President, not the Pope, not your child’s future wife or husband, and not your nanny. It’s the person who is

No way it was “actual”. I’m sure her parents paid someone at Pixar to design it and Photoshop it in.

If she was covered in acne and fat she wouldn’t be Aunt Becky’s spawn. I don’t think your assumptions about viewer’s are very astute and I don’t think you have any idea how influencers are chosen.

This rich white girl only profited as an influencer because of her parent’s name. They fucked her into her million dollar a year job and a lucrative brand. Despite this tragic turn, unlike yourself, it will not require Miss Aunt Becky to devote the next 15 years to earn her next pile. She will benefit from her parents

Everyone’s parents fuck up their kids lives for awhile. We get over it then get a job. Without our parents influence.

Looking forward to Olivia’s “Can’t Worse” line of lip gloss, hand bags, and tees.

Nene is what happens when a super thirsty, camera lover with a personality disorder is determined to be marketable, gets an agent, then thinks their shit don’t stink. Actually that description could be applied to most Bravolebrities.

All that lip synching and cheerleading moves is too expensive for my budget. I’ll stick to “Drag Race” and have cash leftover for all kinda snacks and juice.


The upside is that our in-laws stand a very good chance of dying before we do and we have a very good reason to remain dry eyed and tipsy when they do. See also: karma, that bitch.

PC Culture Backlash is a response to those 8 hellish years when that black family took over the WH, queers were allowed to get married, and the Libtards insisted that everyone get health insurance. It was like a giant tumor that was about to explode. President Grand Wizard gave them permission to revert to their

Miracle Whip Maryanne. She’s a disaster!”

Eyewear is considered an accessory. A hearing aid, not so much, though my Gaga Heartbeats are still on trend. Gold plated oxygen tanks = those would offend.

or Joan’s daughter, Lindsay Lohan.

......And try not to let attention whore influencers “force” you into surrendering your consciousness for them.

No way in hell I’m forfeiting a single brain cell reading a syllable about a Kardashian and their feelings but my only curiosity is how the use of that Doris Day filter might relate to this story. I’ll rely on my imagination for those answers.

It’s pretty amazing how short-sighted President Developer is when it comes to PR. The island is a golden opportunity for a dictator with a background in slapping together tacky condos. Only a nimrod like Fat Don would see the potential for beachfront development in N Korea and completely overlook the chance to own an

No new indictments. I’m one large step closer to house hunting in Ecuador, Finland, or East Timor.

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that our Constitution allows us to offer an unlimited amount of thoughts and prayers after our citizens are slaughtered by weapons of war in their own country (and schools). It also makes it possible for a president to be elected by winning the minority vote and still does not include