
Why didnt the chose an aerospike design? Its supposed to be simpler and more efficient?

70000 to 100.000$ extra to convert a already perfect porsche into a ‘murica frankenstein? thats just insane. why would you do that? why burn that much money into a conversion when the result, in terms of quality, is much much lower than porsche factory standard. i mean “the gauges dont work” LOL, no problem i

So why don’t all the bitching drivers leave enough room für people to merge? It takes consideration and courtesy on both sides. ;) As a german: we have this “Reissverschlussverfahren” all the time here. Apart from the occasional asshole (1 in 10) it works fine.

“Blackhole” ..for its capabilities and budgetary requirements. LOL

Citroen C6.

As a German, i find comparing VW of today with someone who is to blame for most of 65 million (!!!) dead, tasteless at best......


Tragic he DIDNT READ THE F-ING MANUAL... How easily this tragic death could have been avoided. The US put silly stickers on everything. Even hot coffee. Why not on really crucial things??? *shocked*

Great Idea !!!

Good god that's fugly...

Just buy a 690 and slash the beak... ;)