
If you ever do make it over to London, you can try to get tickets via and then they literally just ask you if you have a funny story and want to be in the chair when you're queuing up outside!

I would say it's definitely not because he felt unlovable. If anything, Connor has helped with his esteem and confidence issues but it's understandable that he'd feel nervous being back in the dating world as it's the first time he's dealing with it with new people; Oliver had Connor by his side straight from

Yeah, it works both ways. It'd be a massive surprise and it would be interesting to see where Oliver and the rest of the K5 go from there but I don't think they could afford to kill him off. He's hugely popular, as is Coliver, and to be honest, he's not really pivotal to Annalise's plot as far as we've seen. Like

Yeah I think it's fairly implausible that it's Wes'. In the first ep Michaela quipped that Laurel wasn't having a mojito as she was pregnant with Frank's baby and did Wes question her whereabouts last week? And she was like "the bathroom, problem?" so she may actually be a couple of months gone. We're def only a few

I think the reason I'm nervous about who's #underthatsheet is because the actors themselves have said it's heartbreaking and sad and that they're all cut up about one of their friends leaving. I have major anxiety that it's Connor. Annalise would surely only go that crazy if it was Wes, Nate, Eve or Bonnie but of

What's a Chachi?

Yeah his motives aren't clear but I guess that's because as a guest star, he's been afforded zero backstory. This may change now that Conrad's role has been upgraded (not that we know much about the rest of the kids other than Wes!) As I said somewhere below, it's a shame they've had him fall before knowing the

Shame they've done it this way. I think I could handle him going to the dark side after finding out, but this?! Sadness.

Yeah, I guess also we don't really know Oliver's motives either. Does he really want to work for Annalise that much?! Maybe he doesn't want to leave his family, fears Connor may dump him and he's stuck out there, bla bla. Still, it's really disappointing. These two really just need to blow up at each other and put

After seeing this film I immediately hassled friends to go and see it so we could discuss; it's a film that affected me deeply. As an Irish emigree I felt the very real emotions portrayed and had to stop myself from howling during the beautiful singing scene at the church. I think it is hard for people to understand