
@rathat: Best. Christmas dinner party trick. Ever. Once this graphene stuff catches on I'm going into business creating unstabbable knives.

Now, repeat after me.

@Alternate: IIRC, Arena only takes into account your best ratings, so all you have to do is do well in another game and that will nullify any poor performances. So quitting doesn't actually help you at all.

@SethThresher: Seriously bro, just use mute all. I'm pretty sure you won't miss anything of consequence.

@Bramsey89: Since you seem to be hellbent on taking what was intended to be a lighthearted comment seriously, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I have no academic standing in the international scientific community. Neither do I hold any position that would allow me to have any input in the

Well we've found Reach, now we just need to wait a few hundred years for Shaw and Fujikawa...

I'd like to see a game that explores the more ignored corners/nationalities in WW2. The Aussie diggers on the Kokoda track, the kiwis at Monte Cassino and the RNZAF/RAAF flying fighters in the Pacific. The various resistances, e.g. Polish and French. Maybe a battle as a Ghurka soldier? I'm sure there's plenty of


@Envelope: If there's one thing that life has taught me, is that every single group (religeons, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, etc etc etc) has its assholes. It's just a fact of life. Deal with it.

Fan-fracking-tastic, this made my day. Nothing quenches my thirst quite like the tears of Facebook addicts.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Lol, I'd heard of Broseidon, but not Brometheus. What other roman god names can we corrupt?

@Downskated: "Haha! Take that, rapscallion!"

What makes it even sadder is that the armor piece in question looks pretty dull and boring compared to the stuff you actually earn.

Man, living in NZ sucks sometimes. Sure, we've got WETA, but what's the point when all the cool stuff they make for competitions can only be won by Americans?

@aelver: 6 is great. "Level flight is for scrubs, WATCH THIS!"

Meh. You reap what you sow.


@BEATBOT: Tritton AX Pros I believe