
"well-documented reports of depictions of Taliban fighters engaging American troops"

@coffinmouth: I know right? Seems like every time I see an Apache in a game it's only equipped with Hydras and has to be right up in the enemy's face to do anything. Ah well, there's always that Apache game coming out which will hopefully be better.

@b33g33: As far as aesthetics go, I was always a sucker for the Su-27.

@Earthjade: Don't know if there's been a recorded air to air shootdown, but the Apache is capable of carrying both AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-92 Stingers, so it's definitely possible.

@ReiRei0: So by extension does that mean dry ice is water?

Raptor: Call of the Shadows. Better days...

@Garybaldy: I believe he was attempting a mildly satirical comment on the state of today's society as a whole, rather than an incisive report on the state of high steel entertainment rigging.

You know you have problems when the first thing you think of when you hear "Milla Jovovich landing a plane" is 'I wonder what kind of plane it is'

Ah, butthurt MLG players. They're the nerds I love to hate.

Kinda pathetic really. Do the Japanese or Germans piss and moan every time a WW2 game comes out? Or the Russians every time they get typecast as the baddies in generic shooter #23. I find it hilarious about how many adults still treat videogames as childish escapism, but as soon as you put the 'wrong' people into

I rage quite frequently at my crappy single-core laptop. Does anyone else notice that when a program stops responding and you open up task manager it often unfreezes? Almost like "oh shit here comes the boss"

GTA IV. Couldn't stand that game.

@Skunky: This. I ran across the Area 88 anime a year or two back, a game based on that would be badass.

@Cooking Utensil: I'd imagine the point of the experiment is to study the effects of the isolation that would occur on such a trip, rather than an attempt to completely emulate the trip. It's not like they're going to say 'well, we'll chuck some guys in a confined area, let them out in 520 days and if they're still

@DocSeuss: Why? Even with a robotic arm she can still keep up with the guys. Seems like a positive thing to me.

Just another reason to justify building my dream rig.

@dracosummoner: I heard about the Snoopy game, but half the appeal of Crimson Skies for me was the awesome 'fractured states/air piracy' backstory, it's one of my favorite game universes.

@bigox 25: Just curious, what was so bad about it? I know the graphics were pretty weak, but it's the most realistic flight game on the 360. I think it got a bit of a bad rep because people bought it expecting an arcadey AC-type of game, and the default controls are pretty terrible. I still play it reasonably

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