
@dmcshinobi: The pain of exclusion has been dulled by your awesome shoop. Thank you, good sir!

Only open to US residents, huh?

Funny how some costumes don't seem that ridiculous until you see it in real life.

@SycoJack: U.S vs New Zealand? That would be the shortest game ever. With the state of our military forces we'd probably just roll over and surrender if the U.S asked nicely. You want an Oceania enemy, try Australia. They actually have some decent firepower.

@Ravennl: Invisibility cloaks: Because if you just shot the scene with no one there, everyone would just write it off as 'low budget'.

@Archaotic: If they wanted to include a Halo, they'd probably have to have more than one movie to account for all the pre-Halo discovery stuff (MC origins etc). There'd be no context otherwise, unless they did some kind of extremely potted history at the start which would come across as pretty weak IMO.

Inb4 'Halo is being milked!!1!!

I like it. Makes her look like some kind of retro-futuristic cosmonaut.

No thanks, I play games to get away from women.

@mean_mr_mustard: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. It has crashed me to the DASHBOARD. THREE TIMES. Not to mention crashing to the game menu. And the lag is fucking retarded (never had a single problem with it in the demo). Getting shot around corners, lagging back into an enemy's line of sight, my player freezing as

Dammit Shepard, how many times do I have to tell you, the duct tape goes over her mouth!

And I thought knife hit detection in BC2 was bad...

You've got time for all this crap but not enough to fix the Veteran system? Fucking hell EA, sort your shit out.

Great article, thanks for giving us the Phfor-one-one.

Hmm, I don't think physical comedy and burlesque mix...wait...what do you mean it's not physical comedy?

This looks really great, but my real dream is for a similar model of a Crimson Skies Devastator.