
@Nivenus: I thought swastikas were banned full stop? I was just reading about a German warbird based in America or somewhere that had to have the authentic swastika markings painted over to be allowed to fly in German airspace for a air display.

"No, THIS hurts YOU, you quote-spouting douchebag!"

@Zatoichi666: Bioware giveth, and Bioware taketh away...

Maybe they're nervous about one of those 'concerned x of y' groups throwing a shitfit about being able to shoot women. Let's face it, you can either run that risk or you can just leave it out and barely anyone will be bothered by it. That's not to say that if there was a sufficient demand from female gamers that it

@Blah8: True, but it's not really 'all but cancelled'

I didn't get my own gaming gear until around 2000. But when I was about six (in 1996) I made friends with the Vietnamese kid next door, and he had some great stuff. Played Raptor: Call of the Shadows on his PC, took turns at random RPGs and Sonic on his Sega Saturn as well as Fighting Vipers (one guy could throw his

Somebody may have mentioned this, but I thought SDIF was being billed as 'Heavy Rain in Iraq' already?

@masonsturtle: One. Bought it in mid-2009 as a gears of war bundle. Hasn't missed a beat so far.

"Stays frosty-even in milk!"

Anyone know if IW has reconsidered adding a local setting for MW2 yet? I borrowed a disc and have been playing for a few days. I've been put into a few Aussie games and had a great time, but the rest of the time it's nigh unplayable (killcam really brings home how bad it is).

Your PR is weak, old man!

Intertubes: 1, Ubisoft: 0.

This actually makes me regret returning it. If I'd known there was going to be this much quality DLC I would have held onto it.

@ggp9690: It wasn't always like that though, MS made Bungie rush Halo 2 out, and the quality definitely suffered as a result.

@ggp9690: I'm alittle confused by your comment. Microsoft doesn't own Bungie any more, so how are they 'allowing' Bungie to do anything?

@TJH518: There's no time limit. One ODST copy, one beta entry.