
@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: Don't worry, once you get to your second playthrough, you start off with about 50,000 of each mineral, so the amount of scanning you have to do should be much less. Also make sure you have the upgraded mineral scanner.

@G_A: If you're going to do it on insanity, don't do a biotic IMHO. I'm doing it as a soldier, and I had a couple of biotic teammates doing the recruit Grunt mission. They were useless, mainly because I had to do all the heavy lifting of punching through the shields and armor before my biotics could even do anything

@arionfrost: I did some research on this for myself a few months back. The general consensus I found was that the Sennheiser HD555s were pretty much the best reasonably priced headphones around for gaming. I bought a pair, and they blew my old Blackbox noise cancelling headphones out of the water. So yeah, that's my

I'm on my university's connection, so the picture was loading quite slowly.

@mikeer990: Nothing the Advanced scanning upgrade and a rubberbanded controller can't fix :P

All ME2, all the time.

I wish you'd waited a bit so the people in territories with later release dates could add theirs, but oh well.

@Frazzleberry: The engine has been improved in pretty much every area.

The Game Informer article has a good blurb about the graphics, which basically boils down to:

@Erwin: Haven't you heard? It's only okay when Square Enix does it.

@KamiDaHobo: According to Game Informer, Reach is supposed to have very severe weather, which is why the trees are all gnarled and windswept.

@Francisco Galárraga: Agreed. I really liked that ad, especially the scenes of the Mako starting up and falling through the atmosphere.

I'm sitting in my Digital Worlds lecture, and the 60-year old lecturer has been telling us about the marathon Dungeons and Dragons sessions he used to have with his friends, and how this relates to MMORPGS and virtual reality. It's hilarious.

@Keanu: Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully you're right about the crash site one, I can live without the armor and weapons but I really want that one.

Okay, can someone explain this whole thing to me? According to wikipedia, "the "Cerberus Network" will offer an in-game delivery mechanism for free Mass Effect 2 downloadable content, but paid content will not be purchased via the Cerberus Network. A free pack featuring new side-missions, in-game items..." So what

Well either I missed it or it never went up on the Oceania marketplace.

@evslin: I wish I could, but am in dire need of teh monies :(