
I'm currently addicted to lemon, lime and pineapple flavor Supplement Water. It tastes good, it's cheaper than energy drinks, not overly sweet and it's easy on my teeth. Also we have a kiwi version of hot pockets: the Big Ben microwave meat pie. Although you must only buy mince or chicken flavor unless you enjoy

Damn you Friday, why are you so far away...and why do I have to work on Saturday...RAAAAGE...

I saw a great deal at the local JB Hifi where you could trade in 3 xbox 360 games and get ME2 free. I had some crappy old games that weren't worth much, but they weren't on their exclusion list so I took them in. After patiently explaining to the attendant that while he was correct that these games weren't worth much,

@Islandkiwi: You're from NZ, right? It does release on a Friday (the 29th).

Meh. Assholes are everywhere, on every gaming system. Anonymity breeds douchebaggery.

Good thing he didn't buy a 360, he'd have shat bricks.

@Sakurafire: I guess when I think about it, I'd prefer the carrot (free DLC etc) to the stick (game studios lobbying to make selling second-hand games illegal).

Times like this I wish XBL had a preload function, cause this is the best arcade game I've seen since BF1943.

I'm buying ME2 at launch, but if they think that measures like this are going to stop me buying second hand games, they've got another thing coming. They'd have to basically break the game for second hand buyers, and then I wouldn't buy it on principle.

@fallenvash: Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. As you say, their wording is pretty specific.

@Preng: Unless you have a bunch of good friends close by who have the game, I'd just rent it. The game is only fun solo for 1 or 2 playthroughs (your mileage may vary depending on how much you like grinding/looting). You really need to have coop partners to get the best out of this game. Regrettably since I live in NZ

@Knoxximus ver. 5.66: I'm in the same boat. I scraped together enough for Mass Effect 2, but who knows when I'll be able to afford another game.

@Zunnoab: Yeah I'm not ragging on the Wii or anything, it just explains why I never see any girls on Xbox live or playing DS/PSP on the bus. Were internet games included in that chart?

At first I was like 2 in 5 gamers are female? WTF? Then I saw that they were all playing Wii.

"Caught in a brewing war between the Mexican Army, drug cartels, and The Maras."

I don't like to post memes, but...

@Chirotera: I'll read up on the control schemes, but if it doesn't have separate rudder controls (pref mapped to the bumpers) I won't bother.