
@Erix_Cale: Hell yeah man, embrace your inner Kirk!

Plastic surgery and Picasso. What could go wrong?

@WillyLo: The art direction is similar but toned down I think. I reckon it looks great though.

When I've made my millions in satellite mapping, I'm gonna live in a house like that last picture. So awesome...

@Rachel Fogg: Meh. Believing in yourself is hard. Got another cigarette there Kobun? lol

The first time I saw an Avatar trailer, I thought it looked pretty good, worth going to the cinema anyway. But now that everyone seems to be bashing it, I can't help but start to feel that it's gonna suck. Yeah, I should have my own opinions, ignore the masses etc, but I just can't shake it.I guess negativity is

@nzapster: I know eh. Ya, boo, hiss. Ah well, at least Xmas, Boxing and New Year's sales aren't far away.

I barely even notice starred commenters. When I read a comment I judge it on its intrinsic merit (insight etc), not who it's from. I see alot of great, interesting comments every day on here and 95% (yes I did pull that statistic out of my ass) of them aren't from star commenters. I'm not saying that star commenters

I haven't been following the news about the BC2 beta, but is the beta coming to 360? I haven't heard any mention of it doing so.

Now I just have to track down one of those Ace Combat flight sticks for the 360.

I don't even have a PS3, but let's face it: Uncharted 2 for the win.

Pfft. Lurk moar, newfag.

What's that Lassie? A scantily clad buxom Japanese prizefighter is trapped in a frozen lake?

@JackTretton: I KNOW. IW made CoD4, which had grenade spam on veteran. Treyarch made WaW, which also had grenade spam. I assume Treyarch copied the idea from IW.

In my day to day gaming, I often reflect on the reasons I prefer console gaming to PC gaming. Then I see something like this, or the BTTF crysis mod, and smack my head against a wall repeatedly.

@LoLAdrian ...And Then Comes Lividity: I remember seeing the jocks beat up the nerdy and geeky kids, then seeing them furtively playing CS at the back of the net cafe after school.

Good to see that the current admin is taking games seriously, but I get wary whenever I see this much self-congratulation.

@EchoSix: GTA arrived today. Said copy was NTSC. My console is PAL. brb, RAGE