
I looked at picking up Gyromancer to help kill time until my copy of gta gets here, but 1200 points? Seriously? 800 points and I wouldn't have given it a second thought, but that's just way to much. That's as much as Shadow Complex ffs!

@KnightsofRound: I've met a few girls on Xbox live, and none of them were as high-pitched as the 12 year olds I regularly encounter ;)

@jslizzle: I live in hope that the next Xbox will have an option that automatically mutes any voice that exceeds a given pitch limit (set by the user). That would really make my day.

I'm confused. Activison asks Valve to ban the keys because they're illegitimate. But the keys are legally sold in various territories. The way the article is worded (both publisher and digital distributor stateside want to protect their bottom lines) makes it seem like Activision is getting money for the keys, just

@Komrade Kayce: The ramp tactic never worked for me anyway, the tank just came in and pwned us

@ThetaTe12: I know. I was under the impression that Treyarch copied the grenade spamming from CoD4.

@typetenchi: I like the zombie mode too, but it needs some tweaking imho. All the weapons should be made stronger, and the really high grade weapons like the MGs and raygun should be much, much rarer. As it is now 90% of the guns in the game are useless by round 15. I think it would be more fun if using the whole

@omgwtflolbbl: I see this all the time playing WaW. Even if I surprise someone, the killcam will show me landing about one shot, then them spinning around and killing me. Guess that's what I get for living in NZ. My ping is rarely less than 200 to the US where most games get hosted.

@POWRDUPshawn: I don't really care either way. I just enjoy schadenfreude.

@DannyMNL: Yeah I thought Blowtorch was bad, but the part where you have to blow up the 88s in the Reichstag level is insanity...

@POWRDUPshawn: I'll be playing multi as well, but I'm a completionist when it comes to campaign and it drives me nuts if I can't finish it. Only one Veteran mission to go on WaW.

@TrjnRabbit: Just what I wanted to hear. Cheers.

I'm tempted to buy, but has anyone played Veteran yet? I want to know whether IW kept the infinite enemies and grenade spam that was present in WaW.

@SerenityGone: Me too, at first I thought it was another joke post.

Next time someone tells me that Halo (or indeed any gaming franchise) is overmarketed, I shall send them this link and laugh heartily.

@RockyRan: We have one, but it's total crap. We tried to organise a lan at the start of the year but it just devolved into a pissing match about which shooter was better. #lan

@RockyRan: When did I call you a PC gamer? Oh, right. I didn't.

@RockyRan: "Console gamers have a fetish with buying useless shit (Avatar clothes, Home furniture, DLC costumes, pay-to-cheat), so they'll just eat it up no matter how idiotically ridiculous it gets."