
Nope it's the left side.


I watched about a third of the Abyss anime right after it came out back in 08 and I REMEMBER THE DIFFRENCE between Fon Fonon AND Fonstones.

sorry I suppose i was thinking of some other wireless meter reading setup.

Well thee is only so much data the 2.4GHz bands can carry so technically yes they can cause Wi-Fi interference. Just saying

I had something like this happen to me when Apple announced they were switching over to Intel chips.

Now playing

If there is a new game that makes you flip out every time there is a loud noise and randomly burst into tears afterwards then we can talk about realism.

Do we really have to explain why that is a bad idea?

It seems the patent is more concerned with things from third parties so more like "Buy game pad get free weapon"

The patent summary seems to point to something more like "Click advertisement get 50 golds" rather than 'kill bad guy get 5 golds"

I agree and would like to add that given an actual female player of moderate skill asking them to tone it down in front of her I doubt there would be much argument.

Reacting to stimuli is not sentience, neither is learning or adapting behavior heck even full on sapience is not sentience.

Not familiar with those books, you're going to have to use your own words here.

You know I would have sworn the chip clip got made back in the 80's

Depends on what you define sentient.

When they start paying taxes then they can have rights separate from other animals until then they can be animals like the Apes and Dogs.

Well to be fair the leaders didn't change just the man in the President's chair (is that what he's called I have no idea). It would like having any random political party member thrown into the American President's chair, not letting him change the advisers & cabinet chairs and expecting that person to make

Everything's is better with more Daka.

I liked the repair quests they provided a tiny bit of puzzle solving for one of the most valuable resources in the game, Space for junk!

True but Rock 'n Roll never gave me vertigo like Dubstep does.