Hey, at least they knew when to call it quits. Mean Selina wasn’t the greatest look.
Hey, at least they knew when to call it quits. Mean Selina wasn’t the greatest look.
Paratroopa/Diddy. Giant banana peels and three shells is a solid combo.
Rainbow Road. The 1st one. The SNES one. Not the remaked one on Mario Kart 8. If your favorite track has barriers then you aren’t ready.
Wario Stadium on N64 has a deeply unfair shortcut trick just off the beginning of the track. My wife mastered this in her youth, long before we met, and pulled this out of her hat the first time we played the game together several years ago. I was not amused.
It’s fun but not quite the same without super Bowser shells.
You have to admit, it is actually taking longer than usual this time ...
That picture makes them look like Evil Cooper’s lackeys.
I generally hate movies and prefer television. I don't buy the whole "immerse yourself in this new world and then GET BLOWN AWAY by the massive twist 27 minutes in" mentality. I personally find it unrealistic and aliennating. Television gives you more of a chance to get to know the characters and their status quo,…