Echoes of Illyria

Wouldn't it have been smarter for them to go to the other end if the universe in 2017? They way they did it the puddle had 23 million years to catch up with them.

He was also in a pretty great audio story with the 6th doctor where they get embroiled in a Shakespeare-esque battle for power in a society that exists entirely within the walls of a castle.

Did anyone other than The Doctor call Heather Bill's friend?

Oh how I wish this could happen.

I don't actually know, but whatever film it was, it wasn't worh it.

Just once I'd love for the doors to open and all the bad guys NOT be knocked out.

It's still possible, though unlikely, that May is pretending to be evil May.

I think he views it as a portal to a parellel universe.

He's been using the soap.

Does this mean that in terms of Snart's timeline, he is continually ageing by 2-3 years more than he should? He joins The Legends at age 30, travels with them for a year, gets dropped off at 2014 when he should be 28 but is actually 30, then joins the Legends at 32 etcetc?

The Flash and Arrow characters only experience their own "correct" timeline. Presumably in a timeline as screwy as the one we see here, the 1000s of events throughout history that had to occur to make those characters what they are never happened, meaning those characters don't exist.

Fair points, for me personally that's part of what makes him a compelling character but I can see why people wouldn't like it.

Came here to post that exact comment.

Totally agree about Jack, he wouldn't top my list but he would be up there. Considering that Kate was supposedly going to be the main character, it's amazing how much more fully formed and consistent Jack was as a character than she was.

I'm only at the end of season two, but as things stand Gina is irritating more often than she is funny (i.e. she's the Tom Haverford of B99)

Goku from DBZ Abridged on the other hand…

Why Jack on Lost, out of interest? (Only show I've seen from your list)

Also the main character has to do a lot of the heavy lifting, plotwise, which is often the least interesting aspect of a show. The parts of a series that are table-setting, it's often the main character who's setting that table. The side characters often arrive in time for the delicious meal.

Ben is the best character on Parks and Rec for his camera-glances alone.

I'm partly surprised to see this, but I suppose there are so many BtVS fans here that someone was bound to have Buffy as their favourite.