
Alright well you do you. The thing you call mansplaining is something pretty common in most jobs. People don’t know what you know and assume you don’t know something based on your behaviour and actions. If someone is telling me something I know I either listen and just not care because it’s not worth my energy to

You act like I denied any of this, do you know how to read? (no offense)

Yeah, really getting off these sexy faceless usernames... sweet release. You’re gonna get so much white-knight poon too. *fist bump*

cry about it more, snowflake

Right, I’m a fuckhead not liking a made up sexist word. Uhh ok...

lolol you’re a random person on the internet that doesn’t think very highly of me. You don’t know me and basing your opionion of me based on few exchange words. Now you want me to go read a book you’ve told me nothing about or how I relate to the character. Now wouldn’t that be the ultimate troll if the character was

Just want to say I appreciate that you’re actually talking like a civilized person about this. Most the other conversation divulged quickly into regurgitated insults and even accusations of “mansplaining’ (Is that word ever off limit, even in a debate?). How is anyone supposed to have conversation when it just turns

I’ve had my share of experiences with power drunk cops, this is on par. I think feminists just mistake douchebags and power trips for something that is unique to to their experience, it’s not... I’ve worked all sorts of jobs since I was 16 and you never really learn to 100% deal with this type of people but you sure

Think what you want about me so you can back to clucking about.

I have not, I think reading that would be quite a lot of effort to go through to find out you’re just insulting me.

Yes, anyone not agreeing with you is a troll. Or when you lose in a debate say “don’t you mansplain to me!” and you win.

BLM only says something positive. ‘Mansplaining’ is not the same, it can only be used in a sexist and negative context. We already have nonsexist words that mean the same thing. Not only that but it’s usually used by stumpted morons as a last ditch effort to win a debate.


Sure but the main point is fighting sexism by being sexist doesn’t really work.

Do you have a personality outside of following the law? If tomorrow there was a law that needs to fuck your wife, I bet you’d be first to volunteer, lemming.


Congrats you finally belong to something!