Sorry, that might have sounded like I dismissed everything that was said before that. I didn’t, I just agreed with everything and stopped relating when it turned sexist for no good reason.
Sorry, that might have sounded like I dismissed everything that was said before that. I didn’t, I just agreed with everything and stopped relating when it turned sexist for no good reason.
“not how the oppressed in turn treat their oppressors. Give me a break.”
bye simpleton
It’s just very basic... you can be sexist while trying to fight sexism. It doesn’t win you anything. Then again I just might be mansplaining here so point invalidated. Sorry about that.
lol, ok bye simpleton.
“Lol, look at this paranoid pussy.”
Yep, it’s been men and women. I didn’t call it something different than it was (a condescending tone). I also didn’t proceed to pretend to fight for equality and get rid of sexism all while being sexist.
No honey, I’m good.
There are already words for all of this (condescending prick, dickhead, asshole, abuse of power, Trump supporter), really no need to make up sexist words all while wanting equality. This man would have explained his (wrong) point of view to anyone the same way. Go ahead and make it a gender related thing but you’re…
Was onboard with everything you said then you said “mansplain”.
So they put spoiled milk on their food? Barbarians...
It’s about context and the context makes it obvious the wrong word was spelled out.
Naw, I’m just a huge failure.
I was refering to the “waisting”, I was giving an example where spell check would not work so that he can figure it out himself.
I love how you’re first reaction was to lash out and then, after thinking super hard (yet still not understanding where you went wrong) you lash out again. A simple spell check isn’t completely idiot proof, for example most won’t catch you using two, too or to in the wrong context as long as they are spelt correctly.…
If you don’t know how to spell and you’re here commenting, I think it’s safe for Daniel to write about boxing.
I feel like you might be biased.
Ladies tell me do you understand?