
Didn’t think too hard this time huh?

No good deed goes unpunished. I guess I can kind of understand... It’s like having a old ex come back to you and apologize for cheating on you and force you to relive it even if you’ve almost never thought about it and moved on? I understand it’s OK to just avoid (or even hate) a group of people and avoid them but I’m

I said:

Sorry but you’re not the person I was having a conversation with and you didn’t even read my reply or at least chose to ignore it. None of this is about how legal any of this was and if you read what I said you would not be regurgitating the same thing that’s already been said.

First pass you can see pretty far down the road and even partially into the next bend. There is a blind turn coming up which is why he merges in front of her and doesn’t just keep going past the moto.

Wait so on one side you talk about laws and the other side you are upset about cops? So what is wrong with cops of you drive like the angel you’re making yourself out to be? It’s not for you it’s for all those other “maniacs”.

1. OK, fair enough but I can make up a unprovable facts in order to sell my point of view too. It’s not in the video so we have to take her outraged word for it. Does “just” mean a second ago or 5 minutes ago?

You just need view down the road and react right away... this is not that bad. Live near a windy mountain road and seen much dumber less controlled passes than that.

Right because internet comment sections are never biased. Go check out briebart then compare to gizmodo. If you closely analyze when he passed it was not that bad. Each time there was a view of oncoming traffic. Sure it was not the nicest thing to do, but that all depends on how long she was putting along. I see no

Bunch of morons getting angry at an out of context video. For all we know that Miata was patiently behind her for the past 5 minutes as she putted along not even trying to pass.

“But it’s an asshole move to jump someone who is obviously being held up by someone in front, unless you have the room to make both passes in the same move.”

Just watch the video. Each time the miata passed there was decent view of oncoming traffic even if it’s not clearly apparent from the video angle.

I’m with you, these type of roads attract skilled drivers who are comfortable at higher speeds. All the dude did was pass as much as he could before his view of the road was done since she was not passing the biker. Then he conitnues to pass the biker at the next stretch of view. So tired of people ‘policing’ other

Then get the fuck out of the way if you want to drive like a little bitch?

I’m trying to understand the problem. What is ‘almost’to you seems like ‘not at all’ to others. Just like people driving the speed limit might seem like psychos to an old man.

I adjust my driving style to how much thread I have left. =}

Yeah people scared of future are so much better and less rabid.

Please don’t ruin GoT too.

There is so much stupid in all of this.

This dude get charged for a hate crime but Trump gets to be president.