
Yeah moderation is indeed the key. I tried to keep up with each new “discovery” that went back and forth multiple time and soon realized it was feeble. About the only thing I still follow to this day is eating far less sugar and it seems to have some good effects in the long run. Everything else I just try to gauge it

You are what you eat, dickhead.

I’ll just wait it out until you guys report on the next unconfimred article that tells me it’s good to consume again. Should be less than a month...

OMG Triggggggerrdddd!

How’s that... do you read the entire iTunes agreement each time before voluntarily clicking agree?

Think you’re just sad about how much was wasted. Making slight different choices he could have had an amazing life. Instead he just wasted what many people only dream of over something as petty as a spilled drink.

How is it a false equivalence?

Yes #hashtagsarestupid

You gonna help reimburse him out when his investment fails?

You can also lose when investing.

Love how the update calls this “crazy” meanwhile we bombed Syria and Afghanistan in one week.

Jeez, this guy really got under the Jezzie’s skins. Who gives a fuck who he prefers to date... Just think of it as the equivalent of a woman only dating only a specific height man and move along.

Ok, bye now =]

OK......... All these years commenting and still have not figured out how to capitalize? I’ve stopped having a conversation with a person that stopped talking about 6 hours ago, how am I harassing anyone? How do you know how long I’ve been commenting here if I made a burner?

Jeez I didn’t see that coming...

Who are you? Stop harrassing and stalking me, it’s really creepy.

Let me know when you get tired of just regurgitating anything you see here and start thinking on your own. Will gladly talk.

Is this where you shut down and only talk to people that agree with you?

Not sure what your point is...

Creating sexist term in order to “fight sexism” is not going to get you anywhere. So far every time I’ve seen someone use “mansplaining” in a sentence made them look worse then the person actually “mansplaining”.