But you do need to pull it to limit the number of players while you increase server capacity. Did you even read the article?
But you do need to pull it to limit the number of players while you increase server capacity. Did you even read the article?
@rymas1: but why? it's not like most people switch between new phones more than once every year or 2. And it only takes a very short time (probably an hour or two) before you're used to the new button configuration, the same way you adapt to a new video game controller.
@crayonmonster: honestly, i think the chances are pretty low. an entirely new game is much more likely.
@richterbelmont: @denisnossevitch: @Antonio Marrero: @josephmeraz:
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: IIRC sports games also do better on the 360. Or at least Madden
@PAULINK: Assembly is really low level programming. The only thing below it is machine code, which is basically coding in the computer's language, zeroes and ones. Assembly is literally a step above machine code, substituting opcodes such as "ADD" for whichever combination of zeros and ones tells the computer to add…
@Debonair: well the nexus one is currently the only legit (Snapdragon or equivalent processor) android phone that you can get for AT&T and Tmobile until the Galaxy S (and its variants) comes out.