
They've caught guys fucking bicycles, knotholes and dogs in public. Really don't think it's the hugest compliment to be told that a guy is willing to put his dick in you.

Men aren't entitled to a woman's time or attention. Just because you see her doesn't mean you get to interact with her. It's not rude to ignore rudeness.

You don't have to apologize for reacting in whatever way felt safest for you. That sounds legitimately frightening.

I was walking in an unfamiliar city last week and got a "you're beautiful" or something and I continued walking, not paying him any attention. Somehow, he managed to get in front of me a few blocks up the street and there was no one else on that particular block.

I hate when you tell people about this they accuse you of humblebragging. These are not fucking compliments, this is word vomit about how fuckable they find you, Yeezus! This doesn't even show insults they also hollar at you for being a fat woman in public.

Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I

Our neighborhood (solidly middle-middle class) is situated right on the edge of the suburbs. Past us, the landscape quickly turns to farms and intermittent trailer parks. We get loads of trick-or-treaters carpooled in from the outlying areas, because those kids don't have a neighborhood to t-o-t in. The first year we

I live kind of, across the way from a really nice neighborhood. Like, an NFL player lives nearby. My house is more in the "new owner" kind of size, but there are some fucking awesome houses. It's got the same kind of deal: every Halloween, buckets of kids come in from everywhere to go trick or treating. And you know

I fee like I'm unable to differentiate between airlines, or just don't care to.

No one can understand Salvador Perez. Including people that speak Spanish.

"Yardley" and "Thatcher" both scream "I wanted golden retrievers but got kids instead".

she says of her daughter Yardley Evans, 3½, and two sons, Edward Yates, 5, and Thatcher Bray, 15 months.

I really wish Stewart wouldn't do things like this. It's 6 minutes of yelling back and forth that convinces nobody of anything and just gives voice to an ugly corner of the world that really doesn't need another platform. It's exactly what he went on Crossfire to give them shit about.

Seersucker on camera is so annoying anyways. It vibrates like crazy...

If something is not logical it cannot be true.

Anyone else feel like Chloe Sevigny is being everywhere but doing nothing? Like I get that a cool New Yorker determined her an also cool New Yorker in the 1990s, but I feel like her contributions are so minimal. Obviously I think there are class and race reasons behind it, but can someone correct me and give me and

Off the top of my head I'd say consciousness and philosophy regarding artificial intelligence for recent things. I understand that some branches of philosophy can be questionable—just like any field—but to completely deny philosophy of any benefits is completely ignorant. The scientific method came from a

Modern reason and logic wouldn't even exist without philosophy. You ask when the last time a philosopher added to anything, but when was the last time you read philosophy? I know the current trend is for science to hate on philosophy, but they go hand in hand, especially when you look at them historically.

Check out the extra tips at the end:

I know you're trolling but I want that shirt.