If every baseball game were as exciting as last night's, no one would mind if they lasted forever. But most…
If every baseball game were as exciting as last night's, no one would mind if they lasted forever. But most…
Please mark your extra amount "apply to principal." If you mark it "apply to principle," there's no telling what they'll do with it.
Finally, the RNC is going after the one group of voters that really matter. The 3% of white girls in Florida named Brittany who don't already vote Republican.
And come this November, remember to Say No to the Bro
Not only is this offensive to all women as whole, but it besmirches the name of Say Yes to the Dress worse than Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta because fuck that annoying main blond lady.
I liked the pretty dresses, but my tiny girl brain couldn't handle it when they started talking about budgets and debts and taxes and money and other boy stuff like that. WHO DO I VOTE FOR?
They should have just asked the Jeopardy writers.
He's using "son" as a verb, meaning Bautista totally shat on this columnist who is a complete hack.
It would put a lot of pressure on the NFL by their broadcasting partners, who are going to want to be able to, you know, broadcast the team name. So fine by me.
The tailors love me. But that's the option if you don't want to strictly shop in the junior's section as a petite woman. Thank goodness I don't have an office job because professional clothing for small women is the true impossibility.
The Gap is like this. There are multiple reasons I'm not crazy about shopping at The Gap, and this is one of them. And some types of clothes run larger than others? I've found this a lot with dress pants in a number of places - the dress pant sizes run larger than the jeans. It is SO HARD for me to find…
A part of me hoped against hope that they would maybe be a multi ethnic group of friends rather than a real estate stock photo.
I'm just curious about the type of people whose interests include both political satire, and One Direction. What a strange intersection.
I killed my best friend with just the thought of Nicholas Sparks sex.
If it had just been the one cancer teen love story, I wouldn't mind! Or just the cancer teen and the Notebook! But it's just the whole deal. It's like a cobweb I can't escape!
I'm starting to think of the whole "won't let me keep my doctor" thing as old people problems. You actually have a regular doctor that you go see every year or so? You probably have a pension and mortgage too...
I buy records. Seriously, I acquired a player in college and kept it, which works out because I happen to live near Hipster San Diego and there's a bunch of record shops. Good ones. I buy jazz records. Jazz sounds even more colorful on a record player.