Watch the latest Top Gear, he did.
Watch the latest Top Gear, he did.
@Batshitbox: Umm, the "Brampton resident/Bassi" is probably the driver of the truck. It is common to refer to people in this way in journalism.
@TommyRocker: I know, I was afraid for a while...then I looked up their new ads...and we are good:
@ReverendDexter: You are an anomaly. Why would you have 3 doors when you could have 5. Most single people (myself included) want 5, just so that the back seat is at least accessible. I would argue that the 3 door HB market is, in fact, much much smaller. Your Mountain Dew is in the fridge, I bought some more for you.
"allowing the small car to swallow a big load"...teeheehee...really Jalopnik?
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: This is actually a great buy used. You get Subaru tech, with much improved SAAB front end, and since no one knows about it, resale values are lower on 9-2x then they are on comparable Imprezas.
@Bueller: Interestingly, in Canada, you basically can't find a sedan variant of the 6 used, unless you are looking for a totally base model. All of the more highly optioned used models are 5 doors or wagons.
@gnarlycharlie4u: I was about to say, I don't believe any of them actually had AWD or 4WD engaged. That ranger was was a 2WD, the rest were FWD (minus that stupid Expedition, but we already knew it was useless)
My question: did that gray TL hit? It looked like it narrowly avoided a hit with the HHR, and then drove out of the way in panic. Which means that is another FWD win.
@midnightz: Agreed, and with more than just T-Mobile's 3G bands too.
@rocketrodeo: Would it be entirely irrelevant though? I don't know, just curious. If the rear wheels were helping to push the car in the direction the front wheels were successfully steering. I ask because the reason the Fusion was okay is because the driver applied more power, not less. Which is usually where winter…
@ppiddy: Why does everyone assume AWD owners don't put on winters? 2005 Subaru Outback here, new blizzaks all round. Its common sense, but it is $1200 common sense.
@AMGkiller: I agree. All of the GTI's from that error I've seen contain Mega Douches. Sadly, to some degree the same can be said about Mazda 3 Sport GTs and Mazdaspeeds (sadly, because I used to have the former, and I drove like a douche).
@Brock_Lee: *heartclick*
@Xander Crews: Well, aren't I glad I got rid of my MS3 then. What about a Subaru Outback?
@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: How do hairdressers afford that? Perhaps I've picked the wrong profession.
@Justin Hyde: Well said.
Question: Why does if have to be three white guys again? Could they not have changed it up just a BIT? Female host? Female stig? Multi-racial hosts?
@zekestone: I'm sorry, that is not true...that answer just seems a bit ignorant. Many cars would be great as stick, yes, Mazdas, Hondas, Nissans should be available as stick with more powerful engines. Except for a few. The Pilot and CR-V, for instance, IMO are auto cars. They are just suited to slower smooth…