is that a person inside the dryer??
is that a person inside the dryer??, not always. But, there’s always at least once nice butt in yoga pants. We like yoga pants, yes we do precious...
Read that as.....anti-jizz serum......hehe
Yeah, that’s about how well i slice a tomato. On purpose. Doing my best job. Jimmy John’s fast.... Jimmy John’s fast....
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand those sold out fast!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand those sold out fast!
Huh.....i actually look forward to going to the grocery store. But, i’m looking less at the food and more at all the moms wearing yoga pants. YOGA PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t walk around with my phone in my hand and staring at it like there’s a steady stream of porn on it, like most people. However, i do look at my phone while in the bathroom and to help with neck strain, i just put my elbows on my knees and it puts my phone about at eye level. My neck thanks me every time.
Yup, weather guessers strike again. We were supposed to get 6+ inches here Monday, and got maybe 1. And then Tuesday, we were supposed to get maybe an inch more, and we got 5-6. I get that weather is hard to “predict”.....but, i wish i got paid what they got paid to be right maybe 50% of the time (at best).
So i used to be able to ride rollercoasters, but a couple years ago they started bothering me. Even with a double dose of Dramamine. I even went to the doctor for prescription strength stuff...i still feel oogy. So yeah, no way in hell i’m trying out VR.
I heard all but the last 3, maybe 4. I totally have a hard time hearing higher pitched voices (women and children) when there’s a lot of ambient noise (restaurants, when the faucet is running doing the dishes, etc). But, i really don’t have a problem with men’s voices.
Oh NEED a snowblower! Or, a plow. I have a corner lot with around 300 feet of sidewalks to do. So yeah, i’m not shoveling that.
Hmmm....except Indy’s is all leather and a little beat up. Oh, and his doesn’t still have the tag on it.
Hmmm....except Indy’s is all leather and a little beat up. Oh, and his doesn’t still have the tag on it.
The genitals are under the flap.
The genitals are under the flap.
Or.....not. No way i’m using a man purse.
Or.....not. No way i’m using a man purse.
Especially Yogi Bear. I can’t insert images....
Honestly, with my years of rock concerts and mowing the lawn, i really can’t hear super great anymore. And once i got more than one item that was HDMI....i simply stopped using my receiver. And with streaming music...i honestly don’t even need a stereo system anymore. I recently donated all my stereo equipment to…
No, it’s really becoming more and more prevalent with “news” articles/sites. I don’t really have time to look at this stuff at home, so i take micro breaks during the day to scan the news headlines and it seems more often than not....i click a link and it’s just a link to someone else’s video. Seriously? For one,…
Big time they do NOT do squat for static!! Now, they may (i haven’t done extensive testing) help things like blankets, towels, and the like, dry faster. But, they do nothing for static, so buh bye!
Big time they do NOT do squat for static!! Now, they may (i haven’t done extensive testing) help things like…
God bless you. I’m at work and can’t view the video. And, regardless of where i am, i can’t stand lazy “journalism” that only links to someone else’s video and hard work.