
Wow, i wish i could figure out who sold my work info. I haven’t gone to any conferences or anything else where i have to give them a business card and that opens the torrent of sales spam. But, they email me and call me daily. HOW THE FUCK DID THEY ALL GET MY WORK INFO?! I’m seriously pissed about this.

We’re very fortunate that our dog only barks when he’s playing with another dog. And even then, it’s just one bark here and there as if he’s saying...COME ON. This also means that he doesn’t sit looking out the window barking at EVERYTHING that he sees. We really lucked out with such a great dog.

Smack dab in the middle of DuPage County.

I just got a 4k TV on Black Friday, and it has Google Play Movies built in, and i’ve got a bunch of credits from them that i could spend on....well, probably only one movie. Still tho.

Hmm...get paid to do something i’m going to do anyway? I just might have to look into this!

Chicagoan here. We got...7+ inches of snow here Sunday. So what? I still remember a few years ago we got several feet of snow in one day. And that was indeed, just a Tuesday...the streets all got plowed and everyone was back to work on Wednesday. NYC gets 6 or more’s national news. Wimps.

Link to movie listing??

Hmm....she can handle my nuts....just sayin....

Cheddar is better....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



$20 coupon worked for me as well. Now i can add a second router to get better coverage.

$20 coupon worked for me as well. Now i can add a second router to get better coverage.

Yeah, but i’d still wind up throwing most of them away as they go unused and that’s something i’m definitely NOT using past the expiration date!

Yeah, but i’d still wind up throwing most of them away as they go unused and that’s something i’m definitely NOT

Strike is scheduled! So glad i’m not flying right now. takes 2 years for this to process? Meanwhile, where am i gonna store this every year? Pretty quickly, this would take over my yard. Stooooopid!

I can cut this in half and give you one thing....don’t run. You’re welcome!

Hmm...i expect nakedness when i see the word naked. Not jeans.

Hmm...i expect nakedness when i see the word naked. Not jeans.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

Hmm, but i use Waze religiously for all my navigation. Can this use Waze instead of Google Maps?

I hate sweaters.

I hate sweaters.

Not to mention, you need to have some precognitively installed device that defeats this trapping device.