
Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.

A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

Thank you so much. I am much more familiar with the advanced stuff when it comes to baseball and am just now dipping my toes in the bball waters, so again, thank you.

Sunk cost fallacy

Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.

Nice attitude. That’s like a couple guys on a boat out at sea competing to see who can drill a bigger hole in the hull.

They’re designed for that, and except for that Batman movie where Penguin comes from the sewers to become mayor, we’re not letting our sewers have a big influence on politics.

I don’t know why you seem to think that wandering around aimlessly is playing the game “legit”. The game launched with a tracker. Being able to actively hunt down pokemon is core gameplay. You may be content doing basically nothing but that doesn’t make your play style any more legit than people who actually like to

If you live somewhere like New York that is feasible. I live in a rural town that has 4 pokestops all at the park. I walked 6 miles in 4 hours around the track. Ollecrong balls at the stops and going around the loops of the park. ZERO Pokémon spawn at the park. No one lures non stop and everyone runs out of pokeballs.

I’m disabled. Not having a tracker means that I can’t really play the game in a manner that’s feasible and fun. The three step system was fine and when it stopped working, I stopped playing, until I found Poke vision. Since it was shut down, I haven’t touched it. I simply cannot walk aimlessly for miles to run down

Life’s too fucking short, people.

Today I learned that Id made me make a Mod because they were too lazy to and are using me to make free content for their game. Devious. They must have been whispering it in my ear as I slept.

Heck, id ought to buy the name and start selling DOOM-themed cleaning robots.

Fuck Texas.
- God

That would be 1/500 * 1/500 or 1/250,000. Do you even statistics brah?

LOL. Look everyone, I’m “tolerant” and I’m going to prove it by stereotyping millions of people as stupid Neanderthals. Ain’t I cool? Love me, won’t you? YOU MUST!

What’s to wonder, most of our technology is based on hitting things or setting them on fire. Everything after that is just carefully refining the amount and direction of the force.

To be fair, particle accelerators are basically the same idea.

Can’t star this enough...