Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

The past few weeks, since “MxM” went live, BNS has had DDoS attacks, as well.

The past few weeks, since “MxM” went live, BNS has had DDoS attacks, as well.

The past few weeks, since “MxM” went live, BNS has had DDoS attacks, as well.

Those prices MIGHT seem pretty expensive, and I agree that they are, but they are about the same as magazines in the U.S.. A lot of magazines, including special issues/editions might go for $7~20, depending on the magazine. I used to only buy comic books and video game magazines, and $5 was pricey back then. $20 for a

-But... Captain Canada is ALSO Captain America, right...? *Runs and hides before the torches and pitchforks show up.*

One more, if you ever got to see it, was his “Youyushi~!” with his but sticking out while he does a thumbs up pose and smiles. That’s a direct poke at Sakazaki Yuri, Ryo’s imouto.^^

I agree with you, 100%, on your reasoning behind how you’d pronounce “GIF”, but being an acronym in the first place, I wonder why everyone in this dumb debate NEEDS to pronounce it rather than say the three letters themselves, as you would with SOME acronyms anyway. Sure, one syllable is faster and easier to say in

I think the bigger concern is that he should be a little over THIRTY years old now, having been a “little twerp” (As Jesse would call him) around age ten or so, twenty years ago. hehe

I totally agree. I’ve fallen head-over-heels for the art style in Tangled, Zootopia, Big Hero 6, Wreck It Ralph, and Frozen. My XB1 just sits in my living room, and I have never once played ONE game on it yet. I think I might have used it as a BluRay player ONE time, as well. The only game I even own for it is

Oh, yeah, it’s public alright. I wouldn’t say it’s unusual, though. In the bigger business arenas where such people fight in, what often seems like losing battles, this kind of thing isn’t actually unusual at all. It’s one of those situations were two big fish can’t stand being in the same small pond as eachother, but

Business ethics and practices in Japan are legendary for being unfair as hell in cases like these. It’s not something a lot of Westerners would tolerate but behind closed doors, it happens everywhere. All it takes is one person with an axe to grind, and grudge to last for centuries to come to make life hard for anyone

Seriously, with all the hate. I’d appreciate it if certain people wouldn’t presume to speak for all of us. I would love to see Bubsy make a comeback, even if it’s in baby steps for the company and this IP. I was even looking forward to the next “Bonk’s Adventure” game, when a “2.5D” one was shown at some convention,

I know. lol

I was wondering the same thing. It’s not just amazingly fantastic - it’s fantastically amazing!^^

Robertson does awesome animated gif work, and if I’m recalling correctly, he worked on the “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game”. I think that’s the whole title. I loved that game so much, I was starving for more to do after beating it with everyone and maxing everything out. I always wished for a sequel, and while

The word “tucker” refers to a “meal”, and Tuckerbox is a historical monument in Snake Gully, near Gundagai, NSW. To me, it sounds like a tv dinner brand. Hehe

My PC was a bit of a hotrod as of when I built it, compared to what I had been using forfor any years prior. So when I had better framerates between Black Desert and Blade & Soul (32-bit client at the time, since 64-bit wasn’t released until much later.), I was so happy. In Overwatch, I always played with all the

If that’s how you perceive my writing to be, you must have a higher opinion of me than you’re letting on. I’m teasing! You’re angry when you shouldn’t be. If I’m bothering you this mucI’m sorry. Whether you believe it or not, I do actually speak this way, but not all the time. I used to write, I used to draw, and

How gracious of you. -And I do thank you for that, truly.^^; It sucks to be bashed when I speak my mind, and I need to remember that at times, some people will put me onto the defensive, and I’ll spend way more time defending my own honor than I want to. I can’t always fully convey what I want to say with words, and

Sorry, I sometimes don’t realize just how much I’m typing when I’m doing so on my phone. I tend to type out my thoughts, as they come to mind, and simply type them. I suppose I am ranting, now that I think about it. My thought process only slightly differs when I’m speaking, as I’m more conscious of what I’m saying.