Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

You might be right, but you know nothing about me other than what you assume I’m like from my exchanges here. I’m not about to tell you my life story because my words will most likely be wasted on you, who insults a complete stranger on the internet, not knowing my personal accomplishments as well as the failures that

Yeah, my username is pretty silly.^^; I heard some girls teasing one of their girl friends for being an “H senpai”, and it sounded like a chant at a sports event when they had to repeat it a few times. It sounded funny and embarrassing at the same time and just kind of stuck.^^

You mean, like people so loosely throw around the word, “literally”, in this day and age?

I think I remember reading either this OR some article that this is a parody of, by that particular Kotaku denizen, and it’s such a shocking thing to see. It’s just so... crazy!^^;

Hey, come on. You didn’t have to be like that at all. This just happens to be an issue I actually hate discussing, because I’ve had to do a lot of this kind of stuff with my own work. The jobs themselves were insulting enough to me, on a personal level, having to force me to be something I’m not, and act like I’m

Vereally, you’re not wrong at all, and I WAS sort of talking out of my arse, but I’m not naive about that issue. I’ve had my pride crushed underneath many executive feet for most of my life, and have played more than my share of the humble employee’s game. I have been more than willing to compromise on many many

Is this game actually a “sh*t product”, though? I honestly don’t know because I haven’t yet finished it, and am trying to stay spoiler-free by staying away from review articles, etc.. So far, the game seems okay, but I did have to take a break from all of the calendar management simulation. lol

I understand fully what you’re saying, and I don’t disagree at all. However, when a story of a video game is set in Japan, the land of the rising sun, where the symbol symbolizes, and the target demographic is primarily for the Japanese people, I find it silly for another country’s people to get so worked up over a

That wouldn’t necessarily be the case. Sometimes, the art director is the shot caller, especially if they’re the producer, being the main source of funding of such a project. You’re right, that in a lot of cases, it wouldn’t be up to me. -But I’m not just referring to just any artist on the team. I’m referring to the

Compared to ALL of his alternate skins, I find this one a little more “fun”, in appearance. Normally, I stick to using his default skin with the brown and green theme, not just because I get the most tactical advantage from it over the other skins and colors I’ve unlock thus far, but because I dig his green shades and

I see this sort of thing all the time in the U.S., when people who most likely don’t know how to read, write, nor speak Japanese will have silly tattoos with nonsensical words and syllable patterns on their skin, just because it looked cool in the tattooist’s catalogue. It’s funnier when the characters are inked in

If I EVER got into the game making business, I will NEVER cave in and revise my own art, no matter what form it takes, to cater to a whining audience.

As someone who grew up being called all sorts of racist crap, I totally understand where you’re coming from, but no matter what these ignorant idiots say, we just can’t touch them. Yeah, it’s “hiding behind the law”, as you say, but the law is there for a reason. Trust me, I felt she deserved that slap, and I felt a

That’s not a car, Puranketo-san. It’s a scooter. My father used to have one of those old ones that the USPS used before they started using the mail trucks most people have seen over the past forty years. It’s shaped like a small van and has two rear wheels with one for steering in the front. Notice the two, tiny vans

The thing that international community seems to misunderstand about Overwatch, in general, is that it is NOT the Olympics. No character is supposed to “represent” their culture, 100%, like their face is the face of their respective ethnic, cultural, or even religious groups. We have “partial” representation all across

Are these skins themed like the crossover skins in Street Fighter × Tekken...? The Pharah skin looks like one of the Genji skins, due to the obi/sash on her, and she kind of looks like she has the hood thingy, along with a similar overall outfit. Maybe Zarya’s is an Orisa skin, due to the mask...? The other two have

I’m going off the rails myself, now that tonight is the start of my work week. My work environment is a crazy train. T_T;

I know, right? My eyes liquified until all I ended up with were empty eye sockets, reading that. All of that pent-up artificial rage can really do a number on someone’s ideas, as they transfer from brain to fingers, then from fingers to keyboard...

Even though a lot of people were unhappy with that movie, I felt it was easier to watch than a brainless Tim Burton Batman sequel, post-Joker/Penguin flicks. Imagine Burton doing a Superman movie...