Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

I’ve always felt that in “Boku no Hero Academia” (“My Hero Academia”), that Midoriya Izuku’s mother was super adorable. She’s far from perfect, which actually makes her the perfect mom, if that makes sense. Every time I see her with tears in her eyes, whether she’s so happy for her son, worried when he’s doing

Back in middle school, a friend of mine said that HE would be a prostitute if he was a girl, and that he thought it’d be awesome to get paid to do something he’d like doing. Of course, he’s always been a hedonistic, racist, sexist pig, who cares for no one but himself, and to this day, I’m ashamed to have ever known

If it wasn’t for the dumb “sweet spot” RELEASE system for shots and dunks, I’d be okay with most of the stuff this game struggles with.

We all know your first video game review ever was for Sneak King, and that you eagerly await a LEGO version for it! XD

Of course, the larger concern for her precious eleven-year-old child is that IT found meth in a used Gamestop game manual. They didn’t even go over the other concern, in that she was getting a big kid’s game for a little kid, and even moreso, with the activities that include the trafficking of that very same drug,

I don’t remember what class or type of character I even played in the PC version, but I do remember I bought a few “cash shop” cosmetics like outfits. I just hate when they make a console version of a PC mmorpg and won’t allow me to access the same content between the two versions. Oh, and with all of these

I have yet to play the game, but aren’t you still just getting Link’s “Eeee-aaaah!” (spin slash) sounds in a universal way anyway...? Does he actually talk now...? lol

I also loved the Top Gun game on the NES, but Top Gun 2 held a special place in my heart for how exciting and cool the music was on the “missile select” load out screen. I remember looping the music on an audio cassette, back in the day, when I had one of those huge boom boxes that lets you record music on the right

As long as she’s back in during week #2 of the Heroes of The Storm 2.0 event, I’ll be okay. I want the officer D.VA skin that’s unlockable from it. Until then, I have tons of other stuff to play, and for four days, I’ll be working anyway.

I hate liars, thieves, con artists, pretenders/fakes, meth-heads, people who act like “bros”, hoodrats, and people who “run interference” while any of the former is their accomplice, and is doing whatever he/she can to trespass against me or anyone I even remotely care about. In general, you should ALWAYS assume that

“Bad Box Art Megaman: Revelations Zero, Episode 1: Code Veronica, The Telltale Series” ~☆

Absolutely not! I will not allow this Michael Bay Megaman!

I agree. Everything that was said and that was said that HE said, rationalizing his decision, just didn’t feel like it justified a fight worth fighting. Some people need to have a better idea on how to pick their fights, but most of all, what ideals they choose are worth upholding when it comes to the work they do. A

Sayeth the hypocrite who not only visits Kotaku, which is a website that revolves around the culture involved with video games and anime, amongst a plethora of other things, but bothers to click the link on an entry that clearly shows you what the subject matter entails, nay, even has an account here, for the purpose

The function of that part of the human anatomy is purely to act as a counter-weight so that a male human can keep his balance whilst run-dancing at such speeds. It prevents you from falling down and severely injuring yourself, while you spin the many number of discs in your spinal column to give the illusion of a

It’s like on those tv shows, when the cops bluff the “perp” into confessing, and once they start rationalizing, I always feel that I MUST make fun of them, like it’s my solemn duty. Lol

Imagine, if you will, that I am the ghost of that dead controller, AND personified:

I’m not sure where “arena” came from with my phone’s super-distorted auto-correction, but that was supposed to be “and”. Does anyone else here have laggy, delayed typing replies here, while on a phone? I’m still using a Galaxy Note 4. Sorry for being off-topic.^^;

I agree. I just had a mandatory health screening for the health insurance hoops I have to jump through with my job, all to avoid the dreaded annual “Obama bill”. Basically, I get robbed by being required to get health insurance that I neither want, nor have any confidence in, or get robbed by Uncle Sam in the form of

B-12 is fine, and as in anything else, moderation of such use. B-12 promotes circulatory health and energy metabolism, so that stuff’s fine. I’ve been bad and drink Mt. Dew too much. Lol