Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

If you’ve ever watched the original “Bubblegum Crisis” anime series, along with the few “Bubblegum Crash” episodes, back in the day, you’d see a number of parallels between the series and Blade Runner. BBC was inspired by Blade Runner, almost entirely, and one thing I always thought was cool was the main character,

I remember playing one of the NES games of the Dizzy series. It was during a time when ANY NES, MD, or TG-16 platformer that offered any of the charm of Bonk’s Adventure - cute, cartoony games with colorful stuff like fruits were just the thing to hit the spot. lol

This is like when people get bent out of shape when the newest console doesn’t let them watch their UHD/HD movies or in 4k at 60fps, etc., but forget that the idea is for the consoles to play video games. You could sometimes get a comparable or an even better movie player with about as much as you’d pay for the markup

I immediately associated the year in the headline with the BAND called “Dire Straits”, without thinking to look up the release of their song, “Money For Nothing”. That song’s music vido was among some of the first music videos I had first seen, growing up, and it used to come on a lot. It is also the first time ever

It’s healthier to quit on a good note, while you still can, because all negative stress does I affect you, adversely. Positive stress from a good Overwatch match is a little better on your health.

*Rolls a perfect 20 on a D20, for chance to hit. DM declares a critical hit, and the day is won.*

The week this releases, someone on Kotaku, and I’m not naming any names, will post a review on this game as “exactly what I needed in my life right now”. *Just poking fun at a certain someone.*

Aww, I was tricked into thinking this was FOOTBALL news. *Quickly runs and hides* :3

My mum has always made curry a certain way and I’ve never had any restaurant or store come close to that level of taste. It’s all from scratch and it’s like having a beef stew akin to Dinty Moore’s beef stew, but with awesome Toriko-grade ingredients, and it doesn’t taste like a can of grease with non-FDA approved

In all of these articles where you guys and gals use an image of some kind of cloth or towel with different articles of clothing on it, I haven’t once seen any undergarments. This means that ALL of the characters have one other aspect to their story - that of a “commando”.

I find the developers’ move to exclude Jafari’s voice acting, not only appropriate, but a safe move for their product’s marketing. I would’ve done the same thing. I don’t care how famous or infamous he is, though, because as soon as I hear anyone sound even remotely as stupid as him, I go into “selective listening

I’m a samurai of the Showa era, but explaining that to American and other non-American friends becomes difficult when I also have to explain the details behind my background in various Japanese and Chinese martial arts. A lot of Japanese families have roots like Momochi and his wife, but many people find it so

If you’re new to the game, you’re jumping into a community that’s been around for quite a long while now, and the inhabitants consist of the usual, long-time players who’ve already got a ton of alts that are fully geared out, and just don’t often feel like stopping what they’re doing to help newer players out. It’s

Lift versus drag versus rotation would apply to a helicopter, but for a tank...

A fifteen minute respite from parenthood...? There’s no such thing. It’s like how there’s no such thing as an ex-marine.

I did.

Without reading the rest of the article, my answer to the initial questions is: “-Because you’re cheaters!”, but I promise I’ll read the rest of the rationaliz— Er, article later. ~☆

LAST year, with tax return money, I spent a lot of dough on several upgrades to my PC. My new-ish, hand-me-down pc case has a spot in its “ceiling/roof” where a radiator for a liquid coolant system is supposed to go. The guy I got the case from showed me the one to order to replace his older one, but it was not the

It’s not just that her running around outdoors and in the sun all the time help her look less like a tv evangelist’s severely caked-up on makeup old hag. The environment she’s often exposed to is just part of the equation. The whole “you are what you eat” thing holds true, no matter what era you live in. If you eat

I believe it’s worth noting, by the way, that “Who are you?” does not always mean the same thing as “ What’s your name?”. If he DOES actually know her and even her name, he could be an old master, asking a former pupil, “How far along has your training taken you, while we’ve been apart?”. Sure, it’s a stretch, but for