Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

TLDR? I love our new recent game releases, and am just sharing my thoughts on them.

I’m by no means, done with this game, and have a lot on my plate with River City Ransom: Underground, doing events and misc. daily stuff on two different mmorpgs (Blade & Soul and Skyforge), and as of yesterday, Ghost Recon: Wildlands. However, I have put more hours into HZD, so far, and have yet to use slow-mo

I still have a huge storage bin filled with VHS tapes of Jackie Chan films from the 70's and 80's, and it was fun watching a lot of them with friends who were only familiar with his movies that made it to the U.S. in the 90's. The same goes for a lot of John Woo’s older films with Chow Yun Fat, like “The Killer”, and

I was just telling someone about the MariCar lawsuit, and then this happens. Small world, with even smaller people.^^;

Shoujo manga target demographic is aimed, specifically, toward young girls, as the word ”shoujo” specifies. Connversely, shonen manga caters to young boys. Something involving the typical anime “harem” theme, for example, would be for boys to read, if they were to read romance-related manga, allowing them to dream of

By the way, the image of Yuna’s outfit kind of suggests she goes commando. She’s missing her p-p-pantsu...! ☆_☆;;

Hey, Miss Gita.^^

It is, I would imagine. Lol

Gosh, this app makes everything look so nasty. I wanna try it! lol

The word itself denotes bait for clicking, so NO - your rationalizing is denied! You have posted clickbait in the true spirit of how it’s intended! Have you no shame...? You have been defeated, and found wanting... from the flat of your back, where you lie on the ground! XD

The “turbo chip” is called “HuCard”. Starfox used the “FX Chip”, for the game to use polygons, in tandem with special effect tech called “mode 6" to give us the illusion of a 3D space for the polygons to exist in. The polygons were used for tour ship, as well as the destructible objects and some enemies, as they

I started the series with SR2, as well, and love the game for ALL of the reasons you describe that you love. I also loved the music. From the title screen, you’re immersed in music that was pretty catchy for its time, and might find yourself delighted to hear it when it cycles to that part of the playlist on its

Guess what...? Like you, I thought the message was that the winner performing the lengthy combo was playing with his phone, being a disrespectful show-off. I almost put foot into my own mouth, and would’ve said some of the same exact things.

I encountered this sort of thing in other cultures, as well. Being an American-born visitor in another country, I’d have the privilege of learning from that particular culture - everything there is to learn about it, good AND bad. The whole “good and bad” thing, in this case, is subjective to the eye of the beholder,

Come on, man. That bias with the whole “Samurai Dark Souls is finally here. And not much else.” is kind of hurtful for the developers who brought out their other respective games for the week on PSN. Not that I’m very interested in those titles myself, but my own opinions, based on my own experiences, has me sneering

With ALL of your effort to make it out like you’re basically “testing” everyone and “trolling everyone, claiming the outline is from her LNY (“CNY”) outfit, overlayed onto the NORMAL skin’s outfit makes no sense in itself, considering the outline supposedly came from her in-game polygon model, and is overlayed onto a

That outline is nowhere near accurate, so your point doesn’t work too well. That outfit isn’t a Marvel or DC costume that’s painted on. Have you ever worn such clothing? In extreme cold climate, NBC warfare troops in the military have to wear layers of clothing even underneath the kind of gear that her costume is

I think it looks perfect the way it is, and hope the costume doesn’t feel like “less” to me, after their cowardice-induce “fix”. She still looks a little thick, and there’s nothing wrong with the idea that MAYBE she she’d a few pounds to look GREAT for the holidays. I’m one of the mentioned group, I suppose, who

Personally, I DO NOT want to be lumped in with SJWs, even though I MAY champion a cause or two, regarding social justice, every now and then. The label, while seemingly “badass” to some people, is also demeaning when used in other, more notorious instances of context, and anyone using the term in a negative context is

I know you’re just trying to be funny by saying “Don’t have kids.” with so much emphasis and don’t really mean that. That said, if you WERE being serious, your own parents were probably just as upset with your own antics, messing up thungs like their CD player, or cassette player, or eight track player - depending on