Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

I love McFadden & Whitehead. I hear this song a lot at work, and it never gets old, even when you hear it over old, crappy P.A. speakers in the ceiling. It sucks to hear a cool song like this, get interrupted by radio commercials while newer, mainstream songs play, uninterrupted.

I spy a little Bobby, who’s also Brown.^^

Seems like the number at the end was SO effective, the video ended at 0:30. So this problem had been solved, way back in the day. ***Prances along with a magic wand, spreading cheer, forever after.***

I’ve seen a lot of these commercials of his, and it took me a while to figure him out. hehe

Nathan Grayson as quoted:

Keep in mind that Blizzard just enforces the idea that she’s evil, when she reloads the snowball weapon, saying things like “I’m going to put a rock in THIS one.”. That’s definitely a one-hit-kill snowball in real life, if you get a head shot with some gun that propels this projectile forward with such force. Nothing

Don’t get me wrong - I honestly read what you had to say, because when you show such conviction, it makes me ask myself whether or not I understand for myself, what “filler” actually really means. It has been to MY understanding that it’s a term referring to what GENERALLY consists of any, all, or most of the material

It’s easy to hate ANY face, when you remember the context associated with the vile evil behind the face. Also, it helps to remind yourself that you’d look like the bad guy if you were to even raise a hand to “slap that smug look” off her face, if anyone who didn’t know the situation saw you. The thing is, they see

Usually, in a mix of “cases” in a case-by-case article like this, the image that headlines it should be relevant to the headlined case. In this case, I presume this is for the first case, but if not, I apologize. I must point out, however, that if it IS meant for the first case, it’s missing relevance. The two guys in

You had to know that at some point, someone would just troll you with “h*t f*cked”, right? I agree with you, though. Too many people allow their vocabulary to be cheapened with profanity, and limit themselves to adjectives that “everyone else” uses, “these days”. A man can still be handsome, a lady can still be

In Overwatch, I absolutely HATE getting killed by certain characters, period, like a Widowmaker who just sits in a silly perch all day, sniping at fish in a barrel, being my dumb team mates who just run into her headshots, repeatedly, and never change things up. I hate when I get killed a 2nd or more times by the same

I bet a ¥500 coin that you thought about the burning finger thing after seeing a parody of it in last week’s episode of “Nanbaka”. w

No, Jason Schreier, you lose. w


(It took me a while to find this exact pic that I found a long time ago. I saw others with the same idea, but I always thought this one was the funniest. hehe)

The original Star Trek cast had a lot of Jewish headliners, for one example. A lot of today’s Hollywood favorites are either Jewish or Canadian, or from across the pond, etc.. It’s not hard to find any.

I tried to edit this post earlier, but my phone just doesn’t like staying in typing mode on Kotaku for very long. It gets laggy and screwy. -But The last thing I was trying to say was that those PSN sales are pretty spiffy.^^;

I agree too. I have a launch-PSV with the 3g option that I wanted to use my old Verizon plan on, back when I used to have unlimited data. I also have a few different DS systems and a 3DS. For me, I only cared for the Zelda games, so only a few 3DS titles I ever bothered to buy. On PSV, I have a lot more games that

Bash-kun, you shold know by now that portable and mobile gaming has become too popular in Japan to die anytime soon. It’s such a helpful distraction on train commutes and adhoc multiplayer games are a fun excuse for a bunch of friends to congregate in any small space, whether it’s at a friend’s small house or

I’m offended that anyone, anywhere, would have a problem with BLT’s. They’re DELICIOUS~♡