Ecchi Senpai Kakkoi

C’mon, that’s not Battlestar Galactica - it’s Miami Vice... probably in space, since the ultra, super-cool Lt. Martin Castillo is there. <3

Some kids didn’t get their hides tanned enough, growing up. If it’s some jerk doing this online, you can’t exactly give ‘em a fat lip for running off at the mouth, but in some cases, you can at least block or blacklist them and never have to subject yourself to THAT particular person’s abusive behavior again.

I think the level of transparency is more than sufficient, based on the statement, that you, yourself had quoted, being the following:

I actually have her default “Play of the game” screenshot as my current desktop wallpaper on the London stage because I think she’s pretty, with a cute look in her eyes. Based on her looks, I can see how people might associate her image with that of a butch, gay girl, but I’d be happy with the reinforcement to be more

Thankfully, the MCU’s version of Steve Rogers isn’t as easily corruptible as he was in comics since his inception. In the MCU, if/when anyone tried to use and manipulate him, his own sense of right and wrong always won, so far. He’s just in a pickle right now, in the current story, thus far.


Poor Satoshi’s school life, due to this horrendously loathesome art style, is now displayed for all to see, as if it were dirty laundry. It’s unsightly, shameful, and reeks of regret and inadequacy. Satoshi and Pikachu were both butchered by whatever studio is animating this particular cartoon. Pikachu looks like he’s

I remember trying to tell someone about the Mitaka City Bus stop sign sometime ago, and my auto-correction function kicked in, thinking I meant “Mirada”. So I had to look up Mirada, since it just happened to sound familiar...

*FROM* Ghostbusters. My bad.

Also, regarding this:

That’s obviously just a regular DeLorean. The car in the movie you’re referring to is Ghostbusters (2015), and had warp nacelles, just like the Millennium Falcon in Star Trek. So there’s no way his car can time travel.

I’ve only ever played one ”E.D.F.” game, and it was the side-scrolling shooter on the SNES. I’d become addicted to the first stage’s bgm, and it was a pretty game for its time. However, I never researched whether or not it’s even related to these modern EDF games at all, given that their respective initials are

Takeshi-SAMA being displeased makes us displeased. We shall now take Abe into custody... to have a nice little chat with him. *Puts on “Prison School” cosplay and readies a riding crop, while Abe is tied up in a turtle shell pattern in the rope.*

Whore berries don’t make me think of food. Since they don’t sound like a real food to me, I associate them with other words, relating to the subject matter. If I’m thinking of “whore” and “berries” in this context, paired with how “unclean” I presume a whore to be, in that line of work, I think of the worst thing

Ah, wakata... I never got to try it, but from the cover, and just the word “psycho” itself made it look like an Athena-related game. I have seen a total of two Athena games, non-kof-related/pre-kof, but that’s it. I like checking out older games when they themselves are certain characters’ origins before they had

It just depends on which experience suits you and your social circles best. Sure, on a PC, you MIGHT have a hotrod rig that’ll make console versions of certain games look so much better, but if your PC cost you a few thousand dollars to build, you basically have an expensive video game system that your other friends

Typically, using “x” between two characters’ respective names would imply a “BL” (“boys love”) situation ***Cue dark-haired, glasses girl with perverted nosebleed and heavy mouth-breathing.***. ww

Some 8th grade toilet humor: “So... I wonder what kind of *snickers* JOBS the people in RIMworld do...” Nyuk~ Nyuk~

When Anna was released, I thought that maybe SHE was/is “Sombra”, since she utilizes a sleep dart. The name, I presumed, would be derived from the Latin word, “somnus”, where sleep-aid medications typically and often have “som” as part of their respective names. So I was wondering if everyone is just over thinking all

I have emulated stuff in the past, and have played a lot of my old arcade favorites that way, but sometimes, with some of these games, I feel like they’re missing something in emulation. Every case is different, but I’m not even going to get into that right now. When various companies do all games “anew”, through