
We been knew.

If you didn’t play the original Oxenfree, then first of all, play one of the best video games ever made! 

Frances Townsend is still there, pardon me if I still don’t believe they’re taking this seriously.

Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

Speaking as a long-time WoW and Blizzard fan who has never played FF14 and probably never will, I have only one thing to say: Good.

Is it bad that I have been reading your name on the bylines for the past 2 weeks and it’s not even clicked that you went and came back? You’re one of the names that just seems so natural to see on an article here that I think my brain flashed back to 2017 and refused to realise you hadn’t been ever present over the

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

The biggest lie of modern capitalism: grow or die.

they literally talk about how someone is making the game at the end of the article lol

I’m still rocking a 1080 so I’ll continue to do my “face down ass up” routine with low graphics settings to get high framerates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It will be weird to go an entire graphic card generation without being able to buy a new card without smashing F5 and hoping to get lucky while basically no-life tracking stock or paying a scalper like $2k+. I have to believe not being able to just browse a website and purchase a card when you want is really hurting

Is something you can’t buy actually “on sale”?

Just absolutely no. I was all in on the Steam controller and Steam Link and wanted a Steam Box, but Valve burned consumers hard. This company has no follow through the instant Gabe Newell loses attention.

I’d be willing to bet none of them were buying cards for themselves, or for children they knew. Just another hobby ruined by scalpers in the great 2020/21 scalping depression.

Ebay, resale, flipper, dick nose, assholes.

...and none of them were children.

Joe Rogan is the patron saint of dudes who are not nearly as smart as they think they are.

This post paints a really bad picture without full understanding of how IT infrastructure works. When the good folks down in IT see an activity spike and files start becoming encrypted, they shut everything off in order to isolate the threat. It’s kind of like closing fire doors. Unfortunately this sometimes means

Seems to me it’s a 1,500-word piece full of interesting information that also happens to end with a cliffhanger to tantalize you into checking out the book, but hey what do I know, I just worked here for eight years