
Sociopaths are neither normal nor rational.

... “not in-line with our intent of trying to show support for all people impacted by tragic events”...

This reeks of “very fine people on both sides”

If they dig their grave far enough through the Earth, you know where they’ll end up...

found the teen

Not only that, this would be like if Blizzard priced each of their major patches at $20 and locked out players that didn’t buy it. They’re essentially the same thing: a new dungeon or two, a new area, higher power levels, new raid zone.

What the what? 3D graphics? Is it like “2D sprites pushed out from a 2D background” or actual 3D like Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice? The screenshot looks more like the former but I’m curious.

What HD remaster would you most like to see as a surprise announcement? Like, something you think of and say HELL YES I want to buy that game again because it is prettier now and still just as awesome.

I’ve had this song in my playlist for years! Apparently since Disgaea originally came out... and I totally forgot until reading this article, where it was from. Thanks Fahey!

Inspired by a Gawker post yesterday about each writer’s favorite story, would you be willing to do something similar? If not a full story, do you have any particular favorites from current/former Kotaku writers?

I’m upset at... well, everything about this product in general. The change from initial vision, art style, game performance, lack of communication, code fiasco, and I still have no idea when my physical stuff is coming but at this point I honestly don’t even care.

Please keep doing more of these articles!

NOW can we stop using shaky cam as a filming effect?

Jason, I want you to know that I made an account just so I could chime in on this.