
Seems to me it’s a 1,500-word piece full of interesting information that also happens to end with a cliffhanger to tantalize you into checking out the book, but hey what do I know, I just worked here for eight years

Well look who’s back

We can learn all this stuff about you and use it to target you with ads but telling you those details? Now that’s where we draw the line.

This should be mandatory in all adds.

I asked this very question some time ago. Someone told me this in response.

Man, why’d we have to lose someone like Iwata but we still have to deal with Bobby Kotick?

I completely agree with you here. Don’t get me wrong, higher resolution IS nice, but like you said, it’s also, for me, at the very bottom of the list (and I have 4K TVs and PC monitors). Now, if I had a 70" TV or bigger, maybe I’d say otherwise, but that’s not the case.

Focusing on 4K is a colossal waste. Focus on framerates, more complex simulations, higher player counts, ANYTHING but fucking 4K. Breath of the Wild looks just fine on my 4K set thanks to decent upscaling, and I would be perfectly contented if the next Switch remained a 1080p system.

Such a bold and refreshing new take. Wonderful. 

This. She wasn’t fired for “having different opinions.” She was fired (or, perhaps more accurately, not given any new work —- it’s not for sure she had employment officially lined up) because she is actively spouting racist, bigoted, conspiracy theorist-driven, actually dangerous shit. But we know how that’s going to

Bullshit. “Cancel culture” is an imaginary victim complex that conservatives made up in an attempt to avoid that ‘c’ word that they fear above all others...

She’s so fucking stupid and that bothers me. The racism also bothers me, but I expect that out of Trumpublicans by default.

This is the Way.

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

It was an honor to work with you. Beautiful note and best of luck on your next gig!!

Not announced: Hollow Knight: Silksong.

Im sick of these companies trying to control the narrative of their marketing. People have a right to know about things they might buy. That includes information coming from unofficial sources. If they find a guy leaking info from inside the company cool. But leave outside parties, outside.

1. Trade secrets aren’t copyrightable

They laid all of them off.

Oh grow the fuck up Activision. If you want stuff to not leak, get better security.