German Verb Wheel

I really hope "Everybody's Working For the Weekend" ends up on the soundtrack.

Where does Denise's family live? I always assumed Dev grew up in South Carolina like Aziz did.

Deaf people? Class divide? Only in New York!

With those vowels, Oteri will never be a zero in the crossword puzzle.

It's hard to know where the last part of Layla ends and the theme song of Perfect Strangers begins.

In REM's "What's The Frequency, Kenneth", in the second and third verse, after the line "I've studied your cartoons, radio, music, TV, movies, magazines" Peter Buck plays these three notes. It's the tiniest mini-solo. Then after the next line he resolves it with three more notes. If I were smarter about music, I could

The twist is, a misprint in Trivial Pursuit tears the lovers apart. Moops!

I was thinking maybe Traffic Barricade as the opposite of Road?

Facetious has nothing to do with it. I don't think you understood my comment.

I am a camera, a camera am I!

I had the same question. Is the idea that a white trans person should be immune from accusations of racism because they're trans?

Maybe so, but when I go to see Shakespeare performed, the cast is usually more diverse than when I go and see almost any other theatrical work. The characters have become so legendary and timeless that I think a director is more open to casting a black Macbeth than, say, a black George in Who's Afraid of Virginia

There's a Tumblr out there of photos featuring black people in the background rolling their eyes at white people. One of the pictures is of some white people walking to Comic Con or some such thing, dressed in their ridiculous-seeming outfits, and an older black security guy giving them side-eye. The thing about this

Interesting question, but moot, since they write in the "What is / Who is" part along with the wager, before they see the question.

"Mr. McGill, if you would, could you please explain the origin of Carol Burnett's signature tug of her ear? Let me remind you, you're under oath!"

So here's the deal with U.S. v. McKeever, referenced in Kim's conversation with her law professor:…
This is actually a case where the defense had recorded a conversation with the offended parties, and with the tape tried to show a contradiction in their testimony.

Win his battle with depression, unfortunately. RIP

That's why Kim is such a great audience surrogate. She delivers the "you made him this way" speech to Chuck one minute, and in the next is furiously pounding on Jimmy in the car. Both were deeply satisfying moments for the viewer.

I had a middle school biology teacher whose first name was Ellen, and my buddy, being a dickwad middle schooler, used to greet her by saying in the Audrey voice, "Hi, ELLENNNNNNN!"

Ooh, he film write good!