All it takes is one year of a Duke University education and look what happens to Kyrie Irving. Sad!
All it takes is one year of a Duke University education and look what happens to Kyrie Irving. Sad!
Not only is it not Irish, but I don't even think it qualifies as a proverb.
Considering that the French Revolution is going to happen soon, Belle probably is safer with the bourgeois Gaston than with the landed aristocrat Beast.
So the Rolling Stones are still playing hardball on that "Heinz Is On My Side" idea?
So the Rolling Stones are still playing hardball on that "Heinz Is On My Side" idea?
I remember the episode of Full House, but I had no idea this was a real guy. I always assumed it was an actor playing a fictional pop star. Sad story, especially that he leaves behind three kids.
I didn't have a raspberry danish this morning, so I guess I'm unintentionally protesting raspberry danishes. Huh.
Maybe it was that she was trying to hold in a fart the whole game, but Amy sounded like she was annoyed at whatever answer she rang in with. Like, when she said "what is a volcano", I really felt like she was over volcanoes.
The Frost poem they quoted was "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening," not "The Road Not Taken."
We're all familiar with the feature Hatesong. If I were asked to nominate a poem for Hatepoem, it would be Walt Whitman's "When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer." It's real popular with English teachers because it flatters them for their decision to study the humanities and not the hard sciences, but it's also…
The guy he beat up, Charles Sumner, was the namesake of the school in Topeka that wouldn't let Linda Brown attend, leading to Brown v. the Board of Education.
Another rare mispronunciation of a foreign word for Trebek. Aleppo is indeed Halab in Arabic, but it's HAL-eb, not ha-LOB as Alex said.
Man, Trebek ain't kidding that we white people need to get down to that museum ASAP, if we live in a world where merely identifying Malcolm X in a video clue with a big picture of him is a $2,000 clue.
I didn't understand the ruling against Lisa. She had written "Mass" legibly enough, which is a common abbreviation for Massachusetts. For all anyone knows, the rest of it could have been "Hi Mom."
Miles Teller is funny?
Emma Watson falling for Miles Teller? That would have been the least believable couple since, what, Sophie Marceau and David Spade?
This is how actors should be appreciated, with video clips of them acting. I hate when the Oscars does still photographs only. That works for screenwriters and producers, but come on, nobody thinks of a B&W headshot when they think of Robin Williams.
I find it weird that the sarcastic/condescending Wonka meme is a screenshot of arguably Wonka's most sincere moment (not counting the ending).
Anyone else think Andre Holland was the best actor in Moonlight?
After seeing the Spicer "press conference" I immediately looked up his resume to see if he had ever been a spokesman for the Church of Scientology. Because that's exactly what he reminded me of, snarling at the public with insane numbers pulled from his boss's rectum.