
Yes I would even add that a muslim also really views him no more than a man, just one that is a role model in some ways. You got it perfectly right. What really is weird for me is that the attempts by stupid muslims to stop shows like south park is in its self worship if you think about it, so really they end up

For religious reasons muslims don't have pictures, statues or official symbols of religious figures because it is a strict monotheistic faith. That doesn't mean that a picture of Mohammed in a history text or by someone who is not muslim is a perversion of the fact, it is for muslims not to idolize people like

"I think for muslims it gets to the point that trying to stop all depictions to prevent idolatry is idolatry. There has to be reasonableness, don't depict him in you own life or other figures and if depicted not in a religious context. in islam its not a rule its a more or less a lesson not to make figures into gods.

When did I say that I want people to respect muslims. The amount of respect muslims get is the same as anyone else. I never once said it. Actually what I said is that fellow muslims of mine are actually doing the opposite of what was intended by being extremist and going after every depiction of their religion in the

What's funny is that if you go to some Muslim or middle eastern countries there are depictions of Muhammed, not a lot but those depiction are ignored. These websites that scare people to be honest are really just a websites not very organized. I think for muslims it gets to the point that trying to stop all depictions

Nice to know someone else liked it. I was really surprised when I saw it. The daydreaming and zoning out is kind of relatable for me as I do it constantly. Family members always pointed it out for years. But for me because I could relate to it and the movie surprised me I think I really enjoyed it. Just a good feel

I think I am the only one that likes this movie.