
Most of my issues with GMOs are really issues with companies like Monsanto. They genuinely scare me. From what I remember of various stories, they want to completely control their various products, to the point of punishing anyone who has, say, Roundup-Ready crops on their land for any reason without their approval. I

It would be more helpful if you guys collectively used some examples. As it is, Paul’s been saying “sometimes organic pesticides are better than synthetic,” and everyone else has been saying, “No they aren’t,” but that doesn’t actually TELL me whether they are, in fact, better without examples. Paul’s the only one

Given there are millions of Hillary voters whose votes didn’t matter because of electoral system idiocy, I’m not sure it’s fair to blame those who didn’t vote for either candidate.

But since I live in a state that goes Rep. every election by a large margin, maybe I just don’t know what it’s like for my vote to actually