Well. There’s the “feel good” story we’ve all been looking for.
Well. There’s the “feel good” story we’ve all been looking for.
It seems like this post is clearly stating that Jesse Williams did not consent to having these images taken, then celebrating his violation with some sexual objectification.
No one condoned violence and did you even read the article? Jaleel White threatened to physically attack a woman over an disagreement because he couldn’t get his way. Jo Marie Peyton has a right to defend herself if someone threatens to fight her. Where is all this energy in condemning Jaleel White for his…
Anti-abortion efforts have never been about babies. It has always been about controlling women. If a woman does not own and control everything that happens inside her own body, then she does not own her own body, or her own life. Her body is not entirely a person, it becomes partly an object, a thing, to be owned and…
Fucking mindless moderate republicans.
It’s 1. They’re going after EVERYTHING. Once they overturn Roe v Wade they know people will take to the streets (they did last night). They have a window of time to wreck everything they can to prevent Dems from being able to do anything, and they need to do it now, they need to break it all, and they need to break it…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. ALL OF THIS is RBG’s fault.
I guess they could argue they aren't stepping on states rights via it effecting interstate commerce. Though that would be a bit hypocritical since they also argued it should be the states choice (not like hypocrisy has stopped them before).
I noticed that the GOP & Fox New only concern is who leaked it. We must get the leaker. I think this was in the planning for a long time & was going to be unleashed after the GOP wins the House & Senate. Now with this info leaked early it could effect their chances of winning big in the Midterms.
I literally just did this in reaction to your post:
Anyone catch the part where Alito implies that being pro-choice is actually eugenicist to help absolve himself of how fucking terribly this is going to affect people of color?
I doubt that burning shit down now is going to change the opinion of the court one whit, but absent a better plan, it seems fortuitous the price of oil is dropping.
Most people have no sense of how far beyond reproductive rights this goes. Yes, any ruling that the Constitution allows the state (or at least states) to violate the most intimate aspects of bodily autonomy is horrendous on its face — and we must absolutely not forget that. In order to overturn Roe, though, the…
From the Jezebel comment thread:
COVID is still swinging the scythe of death, even with somewhat milder mutations that seem to go into the upper respiratory system instead of deeper in.
R.I.P Drama King
So sad. The Drama King broke so much awesome music. RIP.
Thankfully his gun jammed or this could’ve been worse. All the morons talking about how this happened in a Democrat run city need to step the fuck off. We have strict gun laws in this city and state so do New Jersey & Connecticut. That doesn’t prevent some moron from another state from getting a gun and coming here to…
Yup, there are videos all over YT of people walking into almost anywhere carrying a ladder etc and they are just let right in.