Ebony Empress

“He’s not a statistic, he’s Antwon.”

The life they’ve become accustomed to. It’s also based on that. So, sure, maybe she could survive on $8,000 a month, but not in the home she’s currently living in, or even the zip code, and not with her children going to the schools they’re currently going to. They should would...trade them off? When they’re with him

I don’t think I understand what you mean. Do you mean the cop was a baby too?

and only 10% of what he makes a month.

Goddamn who knew Ebroji was bringing in that kind of bank?

If the Native Americans had shot Europeans when they were getting off the boat they’d still have their land as well too.  

“I lost my job in my band Buck Wild, roughly $3,000 [in expected future performance fees], and I’ve lost three solo gigs already. And that’s all for voicing my opinion, and yes, it was harsh, but it was just an opinion,” he told the news site.

America is worse than Boko Haram.

Womp womp.

“I volunteered to go to the border and shoot people at the lowest period of their lives because AMERICA. What’s the big deal?”

Wtf is wrong with young people?

Okay. I’m sacrificing any attempt at anything except protective parental rage, and my gut-level response is:

White folks suffered the indignanty of living for 8 years under a black president and for many, their world view has been shaken to the core. That’s why they are angry. Their persecution complexes tell them they are getting screwed by “them” and despite there being no evidence to support that, enough of them believe

“Latino and black populations are not experiencing the same decline.” - Try as administration and police might.

“Only thing [police] told us is they may charge her with obstruction of traffic,” Boston said at Tuesday’s meeting.” 


Reminds me of the Ferguson man who was falsely arrested, detained, beat up in his cell (which the judge said didn’t violate his constitutional rights since there were no PERMANENT injuries!) and then charged the man for damaging public property because he bled all over the uniforms of his “protectors”).

S̶t̶a̶t̶e̶ Police can fuck right off.

Obstruction of traffic?