Uhhhhh... edgy California! Just like everybody else on the planet is planning on doing. It might have been more meaningful if China hadn’t beaten you to the punch.
Uhhhhh... edgy California! Just like everybody else on the planet is planning on doing. It might have been more meaningful if China hadn’t beaten you to the punch.
As long as they aren’t arbitrarily based and have some concrete performance metric then bonuses can be good. If say its completely left up to the discretion of the over seeing manager then burn it with fire!
Well I can’t get angry at a guy spending 20k on a paint job since well a 20k paint job doesn’t inherently decrease the safety factor in a car.
Hopefully I will live to see the day when the wide body/stanced movement gets tossed in the flaming dust bin of history along with those god awful fucking ugly ass Eleanor Mustang clones.
Probably harder in an electric since the usual cues just aren’t there. Namely the engine and having a feel for what speed your going in a particular gear.
To play devil’s advocate...
Damn it! You just smashed this idea I had to buy and cryogenically store large amounts of cocao!
You win the interwebz!
>>shrugs<< everybody lives along the driver/performance enthusiast line. People who go in for the numbers dig cars that maximize the numbers and minimize the human interaction. People who go in for the experience prefer more interaction. Neither is the wrong answer. It just matters were you sit along that line.
That still doesn’t address the soft tooling issue since the tooling the robots are using will wear faster and will need to be replaced more often to keep the work accurate ultimately increasing the cost of production if Tesla wants to maintain a certain level of quality (chances are they wont be able to replenish…
It’s still a PR stunt to deflect from 40 odd years of stagnant wages and to get the American public more onboard with the new tax policy. If those workers are smart they’ll tuck that money away (like away in something tangible like gold or silver) since added profits aren’t going to “trickle down” anymore than that…
The 64 Continental was such a good looking car. Really IMO Lincoln’s high watermark for styling.
Henry Ford really wasn’t unique in that aspect. The nation until WWII tended to love Nazis and hate Jews with nearly the same aplomb as ol’ Henry. Reader’s Digest ran excerpts from Mien Kampf which proved to be very popular reading at the time by Americans who by and large thought Hitler was a swell guy making…
Surprised this dipshit has the mental capacity to dress himself in the morning by the look of it. In any event its too bad Tyler Bariss couldn’t have called in this asshole with his decidedly deadly “swatting” prank. Could have got a bogo!
Serious question! When did DRLs give rise to the degeerate jackasses that think its cool to run around with their high beams on during the day to differentiate themselves from everybody else with DRLs on?
Boom! I’ve read some industry suppliers talk about Tesla using soft tooling which puts into context a claim made by a euro manufacturer (forgot who) saying that they are using “70's era” technology. In any event soft tooling is cheaper to purchase but wears out much faster leading to sloppier builds over time and…
Imagine the disaster that would be if somebody went for a zero-g money shot!
Forced induction is a good solution but its tough getting the naturally aspirated VE much higher even on a 4v engine so better heads without a substantial change in design (GM did design a badass pushrod 3v head but deemed the effort to costly for the gains involved - don’t know how they stacked up in cost but the…
Mid engine problems... but that is what chain tensioners are for or maybe belts since some manufacturers are looking into belts again that supposedly will last the life of the engine.
Gigantic could just be four inches in width - While everybody loves to claim Ford’s Coyote V8 is so damn big they’ve got to use Teflon grease to wedge it in between the shock towers of a Mustang by comparison the LS engines were 24 inches wide to the Coyote’s 28 inches wide. Fore and aft measurements were nearly the…