
@Marcem: They must have lowered the fine once they realized she only downloaded some BeeGees albums. Since nobody wants to buy those anyway, they decided to just cut her a deal on the "damages".

@nvleafs: The same way that not everyone who exceeds the speed limit gets caught.

@Incoherent: That sort thing of happens to me when I play too much online poker. I'll reach for the shampoo bottle in the shower and for a second I'm consternated because I don't know if I'm bluffing or not.

@NotSure2010: Protect your phone from these abominations.

@A Small Turnip: I am aware that this post is about FGM, and my comment was in response to a thread started by @mei_nu who originally brought up the comparison. If there is a threadjacking accusation to be made perhaps it is against her/him.

@A Small Turnip: I just don't get how someone could claim that FGM and male circumcision is *vastly* different. Both involve the removal of genital tissue, both are rooted in ancient tradition that is based on psychosexual motivation.

@katabell: The argument that genital cutting is done as a way to control sexuality doesn't require the child to be cognizant or aware of what happened to him. Neo-natal circumcision was brought into this country in the late 1800's primarily as a method of preventing masturbation (prevention of epilepsy was another

@nex0s: "Keep your nose out of my child's genetalia. It's not your business."

@LaComtesse: That Kellogg also advocated applying carbolic acid to girls' clitorises. He also bragged about his celibate marriage.

@Xeginy: I think the roots of male and female genital cutting are the same. The genitals are the one part of a person's body that are only inherently valuable to that individual and have no direct value to society. (In other words, if you cut off somebody's finger, they'll be less productive, if you castrate them,

Now playing

@leedevious: It takes a certain amount of maturity to get past any apparent repulsion over someone else's genitals, be they male or female. I think it's just a matter of prudishness.

@Sophie needs to study...damn: Perhaps you should look a bit deeper into what circumcision actually is. Because infant circumcision is so common, many of us fall into the trap of thinking of thinking that it's normal, or that the foreskin is superflous.

@AuntieBee: To quote PrincessofPower, "thank you."

@thatgirlinnewyork: Doesn't this make you wonder how many men have suffered from difficulties induced by circumcision, and are simply too ashamed to complain?

@dnarcidy: Considering that the male foreskin contains 20,000-70,000 nerve endings, compared to something like 4k in the glans, I'm not sure which part of the female anatomy is the best analog, in terms of sexual value. Both the male and the female genitals function as an integrated whole, and have immense value to

@mexi1010: "Death metal" and country are all that's on my iPod. I'm still waiting on that collaboration between Raised By Falcons and Reba McEntire.

I wonder if the processor in the mouse can detect three or more fingers. I'd like to be able to assign gestures to a 2, 3, or 4 finger clicks! #magicmouseteardown

This might actually be useful for me, since there is pretty much only one thing I use Chrome for...