
My go-to description of Tank! is “the James Bond theme as written by Charles Mingus,” it is incomparably badass. Kanno is a goddess.

Cho is a very good actor but he is a poor choice for Spike, as his body is not 70 percent leg.

“And, most of all, is Yoko Kanno coming back to do the soundtrack again?”

In the hand of the right person, it’s also great for killing 3 men in a bar.

In reading Twitter this morning I’ve seen some critiques of Carol’s business-casual look there. Given that she was very much not glam in her own film the styling choice here seems ... curious, let’s say. 

Needed more L7.

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

Don’t fall for it, it’s the Harvest all over again!

Sorry it was a figurative “we all”.

As as when Marvel folds the X-Men (and Fantastic Four) into the MCU, I don’t think I can take yet another attempt at Dark Phoenix Saga.

I’m going to take a middling position and say that the big issue is that there isn’t much audience investment in this Jean Grey going into the film, which would be a big help in making a fall from grace compelling.

I think you might be applying too much Good Place to Russian Doll. The good place pulls from more ‘modern’ philosophies whereas russian doll is much more oldschool with some greek/roman influences. For example the homeless dude who cuts hair is almost certainly either outright some demi-god or the representation of

Funny thing. You talk a lot about mirrors and don’t mention that Nadia’s mother’s break down included breaking every mirror in the house and that the first sign that Nadia’s ‘multiverse’ is cracking up/winding down is that the mirror in the bath room disappears.

I expected to see how she died, but I guess that’s not important. Instead we got that quick scene, set sometime between the ‘90s and 2015, where Wayne dropped by to see a graying Amelia while she was teaching and they shared that sweet smile. That gave us what we needed to know - they repaired their marriage, put the

I think a lot of this current wave of Marvel movies seems like they were listening to the complaint that their action scenes were getting too same-y. In particular, the 2017 trio of Ragnarok, Homecoming, and GOTG2 all seemed to do something different and breathe new life into things. I had a blast with all three of

He also executive produced Repo Man.  I used to know a guy who was a dead ringer for him.

best known as the goofy, fun-loving bass player for The Monkees

I’m not sure how they could make another season without focusing on another character and giving it a different vibe, but Russian Doll is perfectly suited for binge-watching. I’d say there’s one obvious break between episodes three and four, but that’s before it gets a burst of momentum. After that, you might as well

That’s the sound of approaching death.

Tra la la