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I have no awesome last words, if last words they be. Sure was a swell crew here to hang around with though.

I have no awesome last words, if last words they be. Sure was a swell crew here to hang around with though.

not lately. been a rough year.

not lately. been a rough year.

gotta love an AtS quote. Seems appropriate.

gotta love an AtS quote. Seems appropriate.

gotta love an AtS quote. Seems appropriate.

15 years ago, when Joss fans needed one, oh yeah. Too bad about all the Buffy sites, long gone, RIP, those were fun.

I really want Arya to be playing a deep game. I hate that she seems to have reverted to her S1 personality.

ah… takes me back.

ain't no cure, baby.

And we'll all be grayed out and unable to upvote / downvote.

I'm not a big Nolan fan, and I thought this was just 'pretty good', despite the temporal sleight-of-hand. I get that he wanted to strip out the usual sentimentality that goes along with most war movies. He definitely was able to generate the feeling of endless oppression with the sound design + the time-loopy thing he

ALMOST feel sorry for her. I'm not much of a fan of professional liars or blowhards. It's just that, as ol' Spicey knows, trying to make someone like The Donald remotely palatable or comprehensible to anybody outside his inner circle has got to be the most thankless job ever.
(Am not a Republican. Am not a Democrat

I almost feel sorry for her. Worst. Boss. Ever.

Bring it.

Definitely. The original is so much cooler.

lol. Uh, no. Janis Joplin was not a one-hit wonder, split hairs about her backup band notwithstanding.

Gets in your head and stays there. I like it.