
One other little moment that was gold was the hurt look Howard gave Kim as he came off the stand. He has never understood her worth.

If HHM gets ruined by Chuck's name on the letterhead that would be an interesting twist on Jimmy's motives for changing his name—not from shame or to distance himself from his own indiscretions, but because the McGill name is irrevocably tarnished by *Chuck*.

I just hope she's still alive somewhere at the point in time when BrBa begins.

Re 'lung cancer', I agree—it seemed like a shoutout.
Re Chuck's 'allergy', I think it really is all in his head. The bit with the cell-phone battery proves it.

That was *satisfying*.

I just watched it. Totally worth the time. Excellent cast, sexy as hell of course and if you're up for a movie whose dialog is nearly all in couplets then you are in for something much better than this week's festival of robots and explosions.

I do love how the answers are not obvious

If there's a copy, can you say truthfully the information on a cassette was "destroyed"?

I think you're reading too much into left and right. Likely there was a more cinematographic explanation— so that the briefcases ended up in their hands at the edges of the frame. Or something else. Or, you're right and Gilligan has recently joined the Golden Dawn or the OTO.

I am trying to guess what ends up happening to Kim, that we don't see her in BrBa ever. Dead? Disgusted and moved? Would definitely prefer the latter but fear the former.

I think the hearing with Chuck et al. was interesting particularly in that: Kim & Jimmy made a "remorse pass" of his affidavit, and deliberately changed "destroyed" to "damaged". Those were the exact two things Chuck and the judge felt to be insufficient.

AG the show is not as quiet or introspective as the book was, nor is this show's Shadow Moon.

Point taken, but apparently we're not bored yet. (I disagree with your comparison to slasher flicks though — that genre isn't as dripping with blood, and any sex to be had is used primarily as justification for death-by-psycho.) In the GoT model, the gore and carnal knowledge are targeted at the audience, who are

Well, look at it another way: they're clearly aiming for an HBO-style epic, which means copious amounts of boobs and blood :)

Gary Oldman was too old so they had to find somebody else.

There's a whole thing about about how Gaiman tends to write schlubby non-descript (mostly white) guys who Have A Destiny. I'm happy that this Shadow Moon is not that guy.

My boyfriend and I shared the otherwise empty theater for Rob Zombie's POS "Halloween" with a psycho who kept saying, "Good boy, Michael!", "Go get her, Michael!" every time Mr. Myers did something rash. I don't know why we didn't ask for our money back, and it's a wonder I didn't throw my Pepsi at the clown in front

De gustibus non est disputandum

Maybe this reviewer saw a different cut of The Founder? I watched this last night and there was no question that Keaton's Ray Kroc was an unmitigated bastard. Keaton is compelling nonetheless. He's really learned how to play a bad guy and make people watch it.

I really did enjoy it the show. It had a great atmosphere all the way through. I disagree that the school shooter cheapened things—I thought the writers tried to present something like modern America all the way through the show, and let's face it…