They should make this too...
They should make this too...
Someone should make a parody where it’s an argumentative husband and wife trying to set up a tent.
Add in more Amazons kicking ass and navigating the tricky new world they’ve found themselves in and it would be a total dream.
I want a show with Diana and Etta taking the 20's and 30's by storm.
GOOD. She’s the only person I trust with it.
I was a 28 weeker back in the 80s when babies that premature rarely survived and even more rarely survived without lifelong difficulties. My parents were told to expect the worst. I had some health issues as a kid, but today, I am the holder of two bachelors and a masters degree, work in a field I love, have travelled…
Twitter wins:
I am a student there currently and I could not agree more. It was extremely embarrassing to witness the “solidarity of our brothers” as they put it. It is disgusting, I know this feeling is shared by most of my fellow students. It would be absolutely the right choice to not play this bowl game. Also, I just heard that…
so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...
Just a guess, but I think the baby is Cotillard’s.
As others have noted, this headline was almost certainly constructed this way to improve its SEO scoring. People searching on “Michael Phelps” would see this in their search results, which would drive more readers. Fewer people would be searching on “Simone Manuel” (remember, NBC didn’t even show her medal…
Ah, micro-aggressions.
Yeah, but is that just because there are more men? What percentage of each die?
I wish there were more sites for critiquing ANY doctors. There was at one time but the intense pressure from MDs ended that. All of this "malpractice" BS they use as excuse to mistreat and rip off patients has gone too far. Most plaintiffs can't afford to see a case through to the end, and if they can they lose. IF…
Oh shit, I just realized — every Halloween my city does a parade, and zombie dance party in the street, and in the parade portion of the event are, among other things, four guys who are supposed to be the Ghostbusters. I wonder if this year there will be four lady Ghostbusters, as well as the guys portraying the…
Been stationed there and unfortunately among all the service branches the culture of the Marine Corps tends to be the least, shall we say, progressive? The Commandant of the Marine Corps (Conway) was the most vocal opponent of the repeal of DADT and open integration of gay service members, right now their brass are…
Ms Coffee, a feminist Jew lady, walks in with a coffee in one hand and a handful of tampons in the other. Both refreshingly hip and wickedly old fashioned she’s unafraid to crack whipsharp jokes harkening to the wonder years. “Hey,” Ms coffee said leaning over, her lady breasts gleaming with sugar, “what’s black and…
Here’s a link to Dr. Hern’s clinic for anyone interested in offering support directly to the people who work there, and here’s the National Network of Abortion Funds. The George Tiller Memorial Fund specifically goes to late abortions.
They’re stealing a necklace from a fashion show. How the fuck is that not sexism? It has women so obsessed with fashion they steal a piece of it.
Stealing a necklace.