E. Benkov

Its the night before the vintage grand prix held in Pittsburgh and I am burning midnight oil to get my Mark IV Triumph Spitfire running. Around 7 PM I had finally finished all parts installation and was ready to fire it up. I had put in a brand new gear reduction starter, alternator, coil, starter solenoid, and new

Talk about a great way to speed up that Service C light

I think my ex had one of those BMW shifters in her nightstand for some reason...

I’m not sure how aware of this you are, but in nature, death is not a pleasant or “humane” experience by any means.

I prefer to have cars remain objects of emotion rather than turning car buying and car ownership into a job. I don’t see the fun in it at all, but to each their own. I’ll keep throwing my money into this blazing fire and make sure my pen stays away from any ledgers, thank you.

American Express stickers only give HP to those with good credit

That was definitely good, but us “gray folk” never get a shot at COTD.

Im so glad to see someone referenced this. Such a great trailer.

What..........can I..........do...........for you.........today?

Can someone explain what just happened? was that a charge that went into an explosive or did they shoot something into it?

Wow! That really rocks!

He already quit the contract but confederates get confused about what’s in the past and what’s in the present a lot

We can cut holes in your dash with a hole saw and add marine gauges from the parts store just like you can

You’re right. It doesn’t look like a Buick, or even a “doesn’t look like a Buick” Buick. This is a good thing. I have been left generally underwhelmed with the new Buick styling language, and that is why my expectations for a “sporty coupe” concept were fairly low.

....... you mean, “Thai Fighters?”

I respectfully counter that any traffic so terrible that driving a car with a clutch is going to be a bad experience you’ll have a pretty awful time in just about any car.

Judging by the cars around and the style of “journalism”, I’d be really surprised if this isn’t Brazil.

what is that picture from? it looks hilarious

in 1980 my uncle was killed in his brand new MGB when the suspension broke on the highway.