I agree, I thought I clicked on a Jezebel article.
I agree, I thought I clicked on a Jezebel article.
Dear Lifehacker,
It’s too bad no one stands up for the unborn children anymore. They are a “burden” and “inconvenient”. Maybe those children want to live as much as their parents do because of the storm.
Yes ALL white people.
I’m half Mexican and German/Irish. Am I all racist or only 50%? Can I get some clarification here so I can know how bad to feel?
Its Jezebel, you can say any racist thing you want as long as its about white people.
Man it’s super disingenuous to take her, word for word “ all white people are born racist and it’s not learned” and then go “uhhh she didn’t mean that she meant the British empire was bad”
Am I losing my mind here? Every white person is racist? This is OK now to make blanket statements about millions of people and expect zero blow back? If this is the hill she expected to die on and make a name for herself with, super. But for those of us that are not try-hard but actually trying, go fuck yourself.
“...saying that she was misquoted and also her words were taken out of context.”
Yeah, don’t think calling 75% of your customers entitled, clueless racists is the best marketing ploy. Or saying your employer is full of crap for giving you a job. But kudos to her for standing up for what she believes in. I think my employer (and many of our clients) is pretty clueless and evil too, but food’s gotta…
I’m really glad she got fired. This attitude is creating a serious race problem.
Good, fuck her
Yes Kanye was just minding his own business and is a true victim. Try harder.
I.... have no idea where you’re going with that headline or this article?
Yeah that’s worked out REALLY WELL.
Right now the rich elites maintain power, directly or indirectly. For a cap to happen they would need to be dealt with. The last time something like that happened was what, The French Revolution? That did not lead to good times.
Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.
Two wrongs don’t make an alt-right.
You don’t edge out into an intersection when there is even a chance that you would get caught if traffic ahead of you stops.