A Stray Pube

Peyton Manning is such a generous lover always promising to go down first before he gives you his balls

swing and a miss

You’re the man

Can someone give me the cliffnotes? I’m at work

Mike Brown owns the Bengals? Huh learn something new everyday

Chip Kelly considers this to be ‘Black Magic’

Somewhere, Chip Kelly is menacingly rubbing his hands together and purchasing as many of these hats as possible

We doin’ science jokes now?

But.. It’s a baby girl, why didn’t they name her Iwoman?

On the bright side the Sixers lost again

Rex isn’t obsessed with the Patriots.. Rex is too busy being obsessed with his wive’s sexy feet.

Ray Lewis killed a guy

Seattle calls this art, I call it a wall of shame.

“I hope he chokes on the first bite”

Dear Sammy,